Dont sin, dont masterbate

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May 29, 2002
no, i'm not so sure even biblically.

I'm morman and we are taught that outside of murder, sexual sin is the worst form of sin

its all how you interprete the bible
May 29, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:
On the topic of mormons...

I hear they don't believe Black people can reach the highest level of heaven. Good times. Heaven levels. As if the hierarchies on earth weren't enough.
not true. pretty much anything written about mormons not by mormons is false and or an exageration. many people hate mormons and will do anything to make them look bad. I bet that a lot of people dont know that there have been 3 main groups of oppression in the US: blacks, japanese, mormons. mormons were killed forced out of cities and humiliated publicly much like the other two back in the mid 1800s

yes, mormons have had questionable ways in the past, but they were all for a very specific reason. one being polygymy. early in the churchs existence there were a much higher number of males to females so the instituted multiple wives to make up for it since most non-mormons hated all mormons.

as for the statement about blacks, it is not true, a black person is just as likely to go to heaven as anyone else.
Apr 25, 2002
I was invited to a Mormon co-worker's wedding once before. I wouldn't have gone had I known that I'd have to wait outside the church because I wasn't Mormon. Whats that all about?
May 29, 2002
MeloTrauma said:
I was invited to a Mormon co-worker's wedding once before. I wouldn't have gone had I known that I'd have to wait outside the church because I wasn't Mormon. Whats that all about?

yeah, weddings are done in the temple which is sacred and only practicing mormons are allowed inside. I wouldnt even be able to go in since I aint been to church in years.

i've never heard of a mormon inviting a non mormon to that portion of the wedding. usually they just invite everyone to the reception where they sometimes perform another ceremony.