That was a sorry ass attempt for humor, now.....
it was a serious question.
You didn't know the dude personally, so why do you care? cause he was famous?
I don't see new threads about some random starving kid in Africa that died last week so why should there be one about this non significant un funny comedian?
a lot more people than australia has for a population lol...fuck you gotta be disrespectful for actin like a bitch.......grow up dog.
alright I'm gonna test this theory.... wait
yeah seriously...why pop your head in and say something disrespectful? didn't your moms teach you "if you don't have anything nice to say..."?
it was a serious question, ok maybe I should of said it nicer, "Why do you people care?" ect, is that better?
Syko Sniper aka..... I bet you cried yourself to sleep when Steve Irwin died huh? LMAO!
RIP Dom, your Spaghetti sauce will live on forever!
I'm still crying over him and how his life impacted mine in many ways, he tought me alot.
for example, don't go swimming near stingrays and don't put ur hands in a crocodiles mouth
RIP crochunter :*(