Most people are going to waste their time turning this thread into a "WHO IS UR FAV RAPPER?" thread, but the main thing you need to know is that the infrastructure here stinks. No region-wide website. No region-wide store. No region-wide magazine. There is nothing to connect north to south and west to east.
The way it works is, when someone does get hot in the West (Seattle-Tacoma)...they stay in the West. When they go out East (Spokane, Boise)...they are not hot in the East upon arrival, and end up having to put in 5x more work than they should have to (or would have to if there was a universal website to hype them). There are very few exceptions to this rule, the main one being Cool Nutz, who enjoys popularity all over the map, because of a rigorous year-round touring schedule and a tremendous work ethic (No Suck-Up).
What you need to look out for is buying just about any CD. Sadly. You need to make sure you can listen to at least a few tracks first to test the quality and beats, and if the person doesn't have ANYTHING available (cd-r sampler, myspace, etc), you shouldn't waste your time. If they aren't about their business--fuck 'em. In other areas, you can get away with buying a cd from a non-computer literate rapper. In this region, you'll waste a lot of money as a result of your kindness.
The area is CHOCK-FULL of tight rappers, but it is nearly impossible to separate the veterans from the new-bootys. What we need are some simple things, but because they would, out of necessity, not make much money and involve lots of work...nobody wants to do them. So we continue how we are.
And the last thing i can say is, if you ever hear of someone named "Tadou", if you get the chance, punch this man in the mouth. He is a pest.