^^^Yeah dogg, I'm from Seattle... Till the age of 23, which I'm now 27. I've been livin' in San Diego for the past 1 1/2 years. I do feel disrespected, every time someone hears that I'm from Seattle they take my music less serious. Here's my thing, every city has a hood... San Diego is not really as hood as some people would think. I got friends from here that say, San Diego has nothin' on LA. People gotta look at the big picture, there are a lot of people that leave Cali, why? Because it's too damn expensive to live here.. So where do they go? To the Northwest... Man I don't know how many friends I had growin' up that came from Cali. It's cheaper to live in the Northwest, so that's where people are gonna go...
The other problem is that the Northwest has not found it's image. Everybody sounds like a knock off from some other average rapper in Cali. We gotta figure out where we fit in, and escape the label that Sir Mix-Alot has thrown us into.
This is why the south had no problem taking over, because they had already found their image... I think the midwest kinda joined the party late, because they needed to find their image. Now it's our turn. We gotta find that one guy and totally back him, and not hate on him because he's the next best thing comin' from the NW, and we are not.
Anyway that's my take....