Fuck! This has got to be one of the craziest threads I've ever seen on a forum.
First off: 206 You do have some very nice valid points, it's obvious you're a thinker. And by the way, your grammer/thought out posts are way better then THE ALMIGHTY ALL CAP. Just thought you might like to know one makes you look smarter then the other.
206? You hope Tech won't let the mainstream currupt him like so many other artists? It's pretty easy on your side to just hope that. It would be a fuckin shame huh? Be sure to let me know when you become a known singer, and you "keep it real" with that underground shit your whole life, never being seen in the same room with someone on TRL, or having a chance to make some actual money.
I agree on how ridiculous some tech fans treat Juggalo's and Psychopathic on a whole. People hate ICP soooo bad that it's just tarnishing tech terribly

. I say, fuck the people who have sticks up their asses. If it were me, I'd rather have 5 loyal fans who are open to new music then 100 mother fucking snot drizzlin' picky ass mofo's.

Kids don't get away with as much whining as goes on here (and other tech sites, actually) Everyone fucking crying over songs with Eminem, whoever. Like TechHQ said, "
You don't like the muthafucka(s), don't listen to him." I check this place every day and I can't even post on anything it's all so pointless and negative... And as a side note, I own none of ICP's music. I'm not a juggalo. I like some ICP songs. I love their concerts. But then again, I'm not "normal" and listen to lots of different music. I'm a sell out I guess. That's sarcasm, in case some of you can't read that. Whatever happened to smoking a blunt and letting a fat ass hit out during the song Breathe? Or dedicating Mitchell Bade to that dumb ass in your town? Or watching your home girls get down and dirty to Einstein? Damn. Where's those fans at?
Alrighty. I'm sorry for doing my own bitching. I came home high as fuck and read this whole thread while eating a bowl of cereal.. and it just came out in a high rant. And a final note to 206: I agree the double standard about the Yuk P Eminem thing is fucked. But I know there's a lot more motives involved then just trying to secure stuff with Eminem. Like, as someone mentioned, to not hurt feelings and respect. Or who knows, perhaps since it's Tech's song that there could be a possible law suit for slander against the company, who really knows for sure.
Aight I'm out.