Does being educated=being negative?

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May 11, 2002
I see where your comming from. At the same time. I consider my self intelligent. However I find that, the more I learn the more I see that I really don't know shit. My mind is only a piece of sand on a infinite beach. If anything I become humble at the knowledge which is out there most of which I dont know. So I guess I really am not that intelligent. So I cannot be mad at others who are in the same boat as me or the world for that matter. Dealing with the situation in which you are dealt is where true knowledge comes from. We learn from Jesus all the way to Martin Luther King Jr. True knowledge comes from the approach.

Maybe the problem is not your knoweldge but your ego.

p.s. Sergent Hustle you are NOT a minority.

Being negative is a result of being uneducated....
well said.
May 11, 2002
But see this is a non sequitur because 1. you are a minority(or at least not full white) or you *identify* minority and 2. depending on the situation and local climate, the "non-mainstream minority view" may actually be the mainstream view.
I took that as you *identifiy* and from what I see you have not shot down this claim. So I am running with asumption that you take yourself to be a minority in America. So should I drop this assumption?
May 5, 2002
depends on what you consider a minority. when i initially said "minority view" i meant "the view opposite of the masses". women are considered a minority as are gay people so i'd say somewhere in there i could be considered a minority. there are people who think that middle eastern people are a minority. i might fit in there as well. but no, i wasn't referring to race when i used the term "minority" hence the comment "LOL @ everyone assuming minority means race". You were the 2nd one to insinuate that.
May 11, 2002
I see what you are saying now. I was going off the asumption that you were refering to race. So I withdrawl any misconceptions I may have caused. If I look at it I am a minority too. However I am an individual inside the label of minority, first and foremost.

Shall we then judge a country by the majority, or by the minority? By the minority, surely. Emerson
Jul 24, 2002
It's simple bro,
if people only knew and understood the consequences to their negative actions then they wouldn't do anything negative.
Wouldn't think negative. And so on....

Ignorance is the root of every problem in society and is also the root of every problem one man has (selfishness, egos, etc).
An intelligent person would know better than to be or act negative. Hinduism teaches that there is no evil, only ignorance. Jesus taught that we should love our enemies, why? For the same reason why he asked God to forgive those who killed him while he was on the cross. Because people are ignorant, that's why....
It shouldn't take religion to realize that, the best minds of our time have realized that. Einstein was known to hate war and many other scientists as well. And it might be the same reason why you appose war yourself bro. Because you know better than that....
We all know right from wrong.
It is embedded in our conscious.
(People often kill their conscious)