Does anyone actually care about the Pope?

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May 13, 2002
Does anyone on this board actually think this guy is worth something? When I say the Pope is fag and probably molested thousands of children, do you get offended? What makes the pope so special? Is he not just like the other molesters or is he some supreme being of a molester?

11:55 PM 5/28/04
Bill Wineke Wisconsin State Journal

Ever wonder what the Vatican thinks about the sex-abuse scandal in the church? <

Pope John Paul II gave the answer Thursday: He appointed the American bishop most associated with the cover up of pervert priests to a new, prestigious job in Rome. <

Cardinal Bernard Law, 72, who resigned as Archbishop of Boston in 2002 after investigations showed he covered up the sins of some of the worst abusers in the nation, will be the new archpriest of St. Mary Major Basilica in Rome. <

The post is, apparently, largely ceremonial, but it restores Law to a position of honor and puts him in Rome, where his status as a cardinal will assure him a voice in all sorts of Vatican policies. When the day comes that the pope dies, Law will be one of those handful of men who pick his successor. <

Sometimes I think I should stop writing about this subject. Nothing ever changes. When things - like the sexual-abuse scandal - pop up that embarrass the church's leaders, they mouth pieties, pass resolutions, and then go back to business as usual.

Rest of article
May 16, 2004
As a Christian, I find the Pope to be a complete mockery of Christ's teachings. The man dresses in million dollar robes and gives sermons from a pulpit adorned with priceless artifacts. The Bible warns us against those people who like the choicest seats so everyone can see them pray. This applies not only to the pope but to televangelists as well.

If the Pope was truly Christian, he wouldn't pray to Mary or the dead "saints," and he'd sell off the billions of dollars worth of Vatican assets and use the money to feed the hungry and help the poor. The Pope also believes that the doctrine of the Church supersedes Bible doctrine, and as far as I'm concerned, that's hersey.

Fuck him. He's more concerned about the Church than faith. I think he'll recieve a worse punishment in the afterlife for his corrupting of the scripture than an atheist or other non-believer.
Dec 25, 2003
Off kilter...Unheralded?

If I covered up 3,000 child abuse scandals, or appointed people who did, I'd expect negativity from people...I'd sure as fuck expect some "off kilter" remarks.
May 27, 2002
As heartless as it may sound (and I DONT support child molestation) say he helped to cover up is a completely different thing than saying he actually molested the 3,000 children himself. I know I would take offense if that was said about me, because I don't want the Jehova's thinking I have that much spare time around the house.
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Any man who allows thousands of children to be molested and does absolutely nothing about it, is as equally guilty as the molester. The pope is a piece of shit, plain and simple. He should be executed for his crimes.
Would that also make people guilty for standing by and watching your President bomb and kill thousands of Iraqis? Or do you just do your part by saying how much you hate him on a message board?
Mar 9, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
Any man who allows thousands of children to be molested and does absolutely nothing about it, is as equally guilty as the molester. The pope is a piece of shit, plain and simple. He should be executed for his crimes.
Thousands of people die everyday, is it a crime that we let it happen? Should we all be killed? Anyways I could care less about the pope, people who look at him as some high holy figure are very stupid, I hate the way catholics glorify this man wo is treated like a king. It goes against so much that the Bible teaches, Fistacuff's said it best.
Oct 12, 2003
If I covered up 3,000 child abuse scandals, or appointed people who did, I'd expect negativity from people...I'd sure as fuck expect some "off kilter" remarks.

I wouldnt give him that much credit. He's an 80 year old man who probably doesnt remember what he had for breakfast, let alone being able to cover up all those molestations. :confused: Just like how Bush isnt smart enough to do all the shit he does without his administration, i doubt the pope is able to do all the shit you said he can without his council or whatever its called
Jul 14, 2003
Its strange how now all of a sudden, i guess all those EVIL CHILD MOLESTING PREISTS disappeared off the face of the earth, now that people got the war to bitch about, you can leave the catholics alone right? that child molesting priest thing was just a fad for like 1 month, then after that all of a sudden no more priests are molesting and people that where molested DECADES AGO stopped comeing forward and telling their stories?
May 13, 2002
AdolfOliverBush said:
Would that also make people guilty for standing by and watching your President bomb and kill thousands of Iraqis? Or do you just do your part by saying how much you hate him on a message board?
Theres a BIG difference in covering up a crime and someone who does not have the power to do anything about the crime.

Trust me, if it was up to me, president Bush and the rest of the thugs in office would have a bullet in their head. So would the pope and any other child molester.
Dec 25, 2003
Regardless of how old and decrepid he my opinion he could have done more, aka calling out the priests, booting them, publicly naming them, instead he cose to sweep that shit under the rug. Regardless of how clueless you say he might be, I know for a fact he knew about this.
Apr 25, 2002
559_Soldado said:
Yeah i agree, but I wonder how much more will be swept under the rug when John Paul II dies and a new Pope is appointed

the new pope will be a one of the makings of the jesuits chosing , he will sit in his temple in jerselume (sp?) and control the world run for the hills !!!!!!!!!! be afraid !!!!!!!!!
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Theres a BIG difference in covering up a crime and someone who does not have the power to do anything about the crime.

Trust me, if it was up to me, president Bush and the rest of the thugs in office would have a bullet in their head. So would the pope and any other child molester.
Iraqis find a way to kill the appointed Prime Ministers and the members of the rotating government.

Priests should be allowed to get married and/or allow women to become priests.