do not get an fm transmitter for mp3 player

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I just spent 50 dollars on a PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT.

I got an fm transmitter for my Juke so I can listen to my mp3s in my ride. I've never heard music this poor of quality. You're suppose to hook it up to your mp3 player and then set your radio to whatever you have set on the transmitter. First of all, good luck finding ANY frequency allows your mp3s to even be audible. When you do find one, it sounds like you're listening to the radio in fucking steel tunnel.

Fuck transmitters.
u put it to a fucked up station? thats how u get good quality, plus u might have to set ur volume at a certain level on ur ipod. but i got the one for the zune and its garbage i had a $50 one from best buy and i got good quality it had steady play do i ddint have to keep movin my shit around to make it sound rite like i have to now. imma buy another cheap one from best buy and throw away my zune transmitter.

oh yeah if u have to plug the transmitter into the slot like where u link (sync) into a computer thats gonna give u bad reception, i found out. get one that goes into the earphone jack. that way u can use it for a zune, ipod, zen or whateva. but thats the best from what ive seen and used
Aug 8, 2004
You can always get a kit and run an aux-cable from the back of your deck or have some place like Best Buy or whatever install it for you. But that costs more than $100, but it is the best way to get quality sound.

When you get your new car put a deck in that has an aux input on the face plate or look for a new car that has them in them. Scion has them I know.

here's your answer! best way to go hands down
May 1, 2007
I bought a cheap $20 transmitter at fye and yeah it sucks, you have to turn up the volume all loud on the mp3 player and radio to get a decent volume out of the speakers.
Jul 12, 2002
My CD player has an aux in on the back and I took it to a spot to have it hooked up. They drilled a hole and let the cord run in this slot under the cd player and out the front. It was only like $20 plus the cost of the cord, which can be bought on ebay under $10. Lots of newer CD players have the aux in jack right on the front now. 100x better than a shitty FM transmitter. Fuck those things, they drive me crazy.