DMX on strange ?

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May 7, 2008
well your right there.. u should know your source and if ya dont u should test the product first for the obvious reasons.. but most people just dont give a fuck.. look at all the deaths over bad drugs all over the world..most of them couldve been avoided if they just was smarter with there shit...

but as the police keep trying to fuck up operations all those backyard cooks are experimenting with different alot of places the drugs are basically fucking cocktails...

btw if your insulting an australians intelligence its best not to mention the country as im pretty sure for the population it has it kicks americas ass when it comes to education :p lol just saying


Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2009
You dont have to buy pressed pills to have "ecstasy". You can buy MDMA in its pure form (aka molly) and put it your own pill capsule or even put it in your butthole (I havent tried the latter). Uneducated drug users are the ones that get all fucked up. Do research on the drugs before you put them in your body lol.

I know all that bro, I'm just throwin' the other side out there, cuz not every pill popper tests their shit. I've actually only tried X once, not my thing, but I've watched hundreds get flipped by cats I know. I agree with your last sentence more than anything though. Always know what you're putting into your body, and what affects it might have. lol
May 7, 2008
why australia is basically america but with more strict laws lol unless your going to australia to just fuck the hottest bitches and sit on the beach chillin in all there beach towns/cities :p

Id rather go to europe they got less rules and easier women lol
Nov 14, 2002
Ecstasy is worse that coke in my opinion, because most of it is cut with meth.
Like I said, I seen the interview years ago but remember it fairly well. I may have mixed up the part about him collapsing on stage because it was a personal interview describing the high's and low's of Tech's career and when it showed that part then cut to him talking about doing drugs its pretty obvious how people would see it.
Sure... but you were claiming that you saw youtube vids of Tech passing out on stage.

I have done so much ecstasy in my lifetime it is rediculous, probably about a thousand or more pills. Popped quite a few every friday and saturday. I never did it on weekdays. Never interfered with my life. Never lost a job over it. I am successful in my career. Never affected my mental state. Never had to go to rehab over it. Just up and quit because it got boring. Might pop one every now and then because its still fun every now and then.
I haven't done the shit in over 10 years, but I can second this... I put two weeks in between and dropped maybe 4-5 pills over the course of the night/weekend. I find that it was an enlightening year or two... I don't think I've suffered many ill effects from it, especially now that I'm years past it. Though, I know a lot of people who abused the shit out of it who cooked their fuckin' brains, also.. I got lucky, I guess.

Anyway I don't know what that has to do with abuse, which is a different issue all together.
Nov 6, 2005
This thread WAS reminding me of back in the day. Everyone jiving there opinions with no blind hate tossed in...

IMO DMX could be a GREAT addition to strange, IF.
1. He got really involved with everything Strange does, and becomes a real... REAL member of the label. I say this because I see how much Travis does to make sure everyone on the label is taken care of, and everything is working how it should... I think X would do well in a situation like that.

2. He didnt get a big head about it. Being on a label that is more popular now days than 95% of the other labels still productively working, with a lead artist doing way higher numbers than most ARTISTS in his field may cause conflict. Im sure DMX was/may still be used to being the one people are catering too, and being second on any label would seem to bring SOME turmoil within the artist. With that said, if DMX realizes how far peoples confidence in his place in life, and fans opinions of him (as a person not an artist) have fallen from 5-10 years ago, he may realize how good of a chance something like this would be for him.

BUT with all that said...

I'm not holding my breath... Ive seen this thread too many times.
Nov 14, 2002
The majority of your customers aren't going to test your product, or know the difference between good Ecstasy and the cut alternative
I've found that the ecstasy community is the most well informed about the shit they're taking. Test kits aside, you can taste the difference between a bunk pill and a real one.

Besides, people keep coming up with bullshit about what's in ecstasy. The only thing added to the MDMA is binding agents to make it a pill form. With all the stupid shit people say is in ecstasy, it hardly even makes sense. If you could just eat cocaine and get an ecstasy high, then why isn't anybody eating cocaine like pills? It's stupid. That small of an amount of coke or heroin or whatever else isn't going to do shit going through your stomach..

The amount of misinformation that people spread online to make themselves seem educated on the matter is astounding.

and im sure not everyone walks around with testing kits..what if your at a club or someshit ?? u really gonna be like oh shit i godda go test this before i buy ?
They have small testing kits that you can take with you, and I've seen people use them at clubs before.

How is what I said false? You are out of the loop if you haven't done it in over 10 years.
What you said is false, because it's NOT TRUE.

Is that clear enough?

Take a look through this website and educate yourselves....
Jan 11, 2007
DMX's first three albums were the shit... Specifically the first two.

Most of you probably don't even know about DMX but are flappin' gums like you do because your homie played you one track back in the day, and because it was East Coast rap you said "fuck that shit".

Because that's how I saw it going down back in the day. JL was the only one saying anything good about DMX, but for the record, people have wanted a DMX collab for a decade now.
U hit the nail on the head.. his first two albums were CLASSICS!!! especially the second one...
Oct 19, 2008
after going back to listen to DMX now is wow...he is flow and his shit is trash
to each is own, but u can here in his early material, his pain & soul....& i agree ove the years he hasnt real been making music like he once did

DMX's old albums are classics.

Dunno how he'd fit in with strange production.
co sign^
Jan 6, 2008
Man you're so fuckin' young... lol...

Grand Champ sucked balls. It was a weird HIGHLY PRODUCED DMX album with some good singles, but that was about it. Aren't you from Rochester or some shit? You've never heard anything from DMX besides Grand Champ, his FIFTH album?
Isnt Rochester in NY or some shit? never been.

Grand Champ was the only FULL album i ever heard from him because i never really got into his style. I wasnt even a teenager when he released his early albums. Grand Champ came out when i was in High School. Its not great but it has a few songs that i still listen to now.