Thanks for the BIG statements you guys. I hope that the MODs would reach out to us if they don't like what we are doing.
D Rough, good look on the TRACK! Hope you enjoy the mix.
Also for any SAN DIEGO artist really looking for some exposure LOCALLY, DIGITALLY, & In the clubs you need to FUCK WIT PEEZY, just ask aroud. He keep us on his Mixtapes!
Also ROUGH keep texting them fools. Hope they got unlimited mins. If I was you I would burn they phone down with TEXTS, make them keep their charger on them.
Black Cotton is still up and every thing we do is BIG. Search for us on UTUBE. Ask about the Jimmy Carter Suite and google it to find out where in SAN DIEGO it's located.
Keep replying...I guess. And don't ease up on us at all! BC!