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May 13, 2002
Rob S4 said:
Check it 2-0 let God have his day with this man. He is a false prophet and that is very bad because you are missleading Gods children and he will have to answer for that.

YOu gettting A-1 Yola I heard he working with his brother again.
Yeah, I’m getting that A-1 Yola, I hope it’s better than his last album. Word is James Smith is out of prison and worked a lot on the album, plus there will be 20 tracks with 20 videos.
May 13, 2002
No, I'm trying to tell you that all 1300 cases are not confirmed, meaning they are not all true as of this very point in fucking time. You have MANY MANY MANY grown ass men saying they were molested and raped more than 10 years ago. They don't say SHIT, even as adults, until molestation charges pop up, THEN they jump on the bandwagon.
Yes, 1,300 cases DO say a lot Sydal. You cannot simply dismiss them as “Greedy ass people.” That’s fucking absurd, especially since sooooo fucking many Catholic Priests have already been found guilty of child molestation.

Listen, you can deny this as much as you want, but I’m sure that anyone who has the patience to read through this shit conversation of ours, they will think you’re a fool. It’s been all over the news man, Priest after Priest after Priest who have been revealed as a Child Molesters.

Again, I’m not saying that ALL priests are guilty of this shit; my entire point this entire time is that there has been a massive cover-up in the catholic church, which includes the Pope, to keep this shit as a secret. Massive corruption at the Vatican. Do you or do you not agree with that?

the way I think is sane as fuck, real, and LOGICAL!!
It’s very insulting for you to say that you think logically. You may be sane, but you definitely do not use any logic or reasoning.

I'd rather be a "retarded idiot who knows nothing" than a loser sitting on a computer, bitching about how fucked up things are and backing up my beliefs with internet articles, conspiracy theories and the articulation of a first grade special ed. student.
Hmm, so you are not sitting in front of a computer, bitching (about me), backing your “beliefs” with internet articles (you posted a link), and posting conspiracy theory (that theory being 1,300 people made up these child molestation charges)? Sounds like you fit your own definition of loser.

BTW, I didn’t post any “conspiracy theories.” The “theory” that I speak of has already been proven as fact. Read just Part of this article man, look for yourself. You don’t like my link, find another one, almost every respectable media outlet has reported this story…

Vatican told bishops to cover up sex abuse

Expulsion threat in secret documents

Read the 1962 Vatican document (PDF file)

Antony Barnett, public affairs editor
Sunday August 17, 2003
The Observer

The Vatican instructed Catholic bishops around the world to cover up cases of sexual abuse or risk being thrown out of the Church.
The Observer has obtained a 40-year-old confidential document from the secret Vatican archive which lawyers are calling a 'blueprint for deception and concealment'. One British lawyer acting for Church child abuse victims has described it as 'explosive'.
The 69-page Latin document bearing the seal of Pope John XXIII was sent to every bishop in the world. The instructions outline a policy of 'strictest' secrecy in dealing with allegations of sexual abuse and threatens those who speak out with excommunication.

They also call for the victim to take an oath of secrecy at the time of making a complaint to Church officials. It states that the instructions are to 'be diligently stored in the secret archives of the Curia [Vatican] as strictly confidential. Nor is it to be published nor added to with any commentaries.'
The document, which has been confirmed as genuine by the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, is called 'Crimine solicitationies', which translates as 'instruction on proceeding in cases of solicitation'.
It focuses on sexual abuse initiated as part of the confessional relationship between a priest and a member of his congregation. But the instructions also cover what it calls the 'worst crime', described as an obscene act perpetrated by a cleric with 'youths of either sex or with brute animals (bestiality)'.
What more do you want?

Do you understand why I asked you where the shit was written? You still haven't answered me. Is it news to you that The Vatican is it's own country and is not a part of Rome, or Italy for that matter?
Man, you still don’t get it. Where is the Vatican?

You see where the Vatican is? You got that?

So if it was written in The Vatican and you claim news sources said it was written in ROME, then that news source is not reliable because of the above statement.
You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Yes, The Vatican is an independent state that is surrounded by the city of Rome in Italy. It is home to the Roman Catholic Church. Watch any news report and they say “from Rome”, or “the Vatican…in Rome” etc.

My point, once again, is not where The Vatican is located, it is the contents of the article I posted. You have taken something as little as The Vatican vs. Rome & completely ignored the meat of the conversation.
Dec 2, 2004
Sydal said:
There weren't CONSPIRACY THEORIES about the holocaust, there was speculation. There wasn't even really a "conspiracy" behind the Holocaust. Hitler told his troops to do shit, and they did it...if they didn't they would be taken care of. In order for there to be a conspiracy, multiple people have to sit and plan something...this wasn't the case. HITLER planned something, and had other people carry it out for him under his rule...
Man ur a dumbshit... it was considered a conspiracy theory for a long time, it went around for a while by word of mouth in europe.. none of the government thought anything of it cuz they thought it couldnt have been true. They would let the nazis come into their nations... then the nazis would "relocate" the jews and no one heard of from them again. Then people started sayin oh my god its a conspiracy... theyre killin off the jews.
Some people in europe STILL think it could have never happened and they STILL consider it a conspiracy theory.

And no it was a conspiracy... the holocaust was a conspiracy because it there was a group of people who planned it out, and attempted to cover it up and keep it secret from the public.. the troops who did it knew not to let up and knew what the fuck was up it doesn't matter whether or not they wanted to be involved... it only was revealed cuz the nazis werent prepared to flee the western front... and had no time to cover up some of the concentration camps.
Mar 2, 2004
it wasnt a conspiracy theory when ppl found the concentration camps and dead bodies. videos to prove it. survivors tell you their stories and have markings on their skin to prove it. they didnt get their info from some bullshit internet site like what ive seen you post on here about funk 3 five. quick to believe some bullshit internet site, coz if its on the net it must be real type of belief, thats a dumbshit....


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
1/2 On It said:
Man ur a dumbshit... it was considered a conspiracy theory for a long time, it went around for a while by word of mouth in europe.. none of the government thought anything of it cuz they thought it couldnt have been true. They would let the nazis come into their nations... then the nazis would "relocate" the jews and no one heard of from them again. Then people started sayin oh my god its a conspiracy... theyre killin off the jews.
Some people in europe STILL think it could have never happened and they STILL consider it a conspiracy theory.

And no it was a conspiracy... the holocaust was a conspiracy because it there was a group of people who planned it out, and attempted to cover it up and keep it secret from the public.. the troops who did it knew not to let up and knew what the fuck was up it doesn't matter whether or not they wanted to be involved... it only was revealed cuz the nazis werent prepared to flee the western front... and had no time to cover up some of the concentration camps.
HAHA...you can't consider something a CONSPIRACY THEORY!! A Conspiracy THEORY is something somebody has, but you can't consider an event a theory. In order for it to be a conspiracy, Hitler's troops would have had to plan the whole shit WITH Hitler...not just carry out his orders. He had his country brainwashed my friend, nobody planned it but him, and for personal reasons...you would know that if you ever really got that deep into history.

2-0, I'm one of the most logical people I know.

"Hmm, so you are not sitting in front of a computer, bitching (about me), backing your “beliefs” with internet articles (you posted a link), and posting conspiracy theory (that theory being 1,300 people made up these child molestation charges)? Sounds like you fit your own definition of loser."

I don't vent my problems with the world through the internet and do nothing about those issues. I'm not bitching about you, I find it interesting that you can spend so much time on the internet, read a bunch of internet articles, even from unreliable sources, and claim everybody is wrong but you...belief structure and all. Have some common courtesy and respect other peoples beliefs, instead of attacking us and telling us we're wrong all the time. And my thoughts on the 1300 people is not a conspiracy theory...what don't you two understand about that term? I never said they got together and planned all of this out...I simply stated that I believe some people are greedy enough to charge others with crimes without warrant in order to advance their financial situations. It has been done before, and I'm pretty damn sure some of those people are doing the same shit. Might be a theory, but it's nothing near conspiracy. I don't THINK people are out to fuck the Catholic church...get a fuckin clue.

SO, no, I don't fit my own definition of a loser. Out of all the hours I'm awake (about 20 per day), I maybe spend an hour on the internet...about 15 minutes of that is spent on this site going through it. The rest is spent reading the news, staying updated on shit and even going to educational sites to keep my mind crisp. I don't throw my problems on this site, I deal with 'em in real life, with real resources, people that breath. I do shit in the community, I help the lost souls of America....

But the two of you can keep comin at me. Neither of you know me, so what you say about me really doesn't make a difference in my day to day activities. 2-0, I respect your views, just don't agree with all of them, period.

1/2 on it, you just need to go back to school or something, learn some real conspiracy theories then come back and argue with me about it. Until then, you have some shit to learn.
May 13, 2002
I don't vent my problems with the world through the internet and do nothing about those issues.
This is a place to have discussions & that’s exactly what I do when I’m here. I’m not pissed off at the pope, I’m not emotional. Don’t you know me by now? A lot of my threads are specifically created to get a rise out of people, to encourage them to engage in conversations.

Plus, I do a whole of shit off the internet playboy. I’m out on the streets, I’m politically active; so you cant say I don’t do shit but type, I try my best to change shit.

I find it interesting that you can spend so much time on the internet, read a bunch of internet articles, even from unreliable sources, and claim everybody is wrong but you..
Dawg, I fucking get paid to post & read shit on the internet. Where you at? I’m at work M-F, 8-5 with a shit load of time to fuck around. That’s what you get when your in tech support- you sit in front of a computer and B.S. 99.9% of my posts are when I’m at work, which means I’m getting paid to talk to you & read/study/research.

Have some common courtesy and respect other peoples beliefs, instead of attacking us and telling us we're wrong all the time.
I do; I respect most of the cats in the GOM but I don’t respect people who blindly deny evidence, like you. It frustrates me to talk to people like you, who have absolutely no understanding of logic or reason.

Thanks for not answering my questions or commenting on most of the shit I posted.
Oct 14, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
Yeah, I’m getting that A-1 Yola, I hope it’s better than his last album. Word is James Smith is out of prison and worked a lot on the album, plus there will be 20 tracks with 20 videos.

Yeah but will it be a good Esham album or not. The last one i didnt really like to much so he better come correct this time. He needs to get away from those clowns. And also Natas is comming back i read on his site i think that he and masta talked and they and t are going to hook back up and do some music. I hope so I would like to hear another Natas album.
May 13, 2002
Rob S4 said:
Yeah but will it be a good Esham album or not. The last one i didnt really like to much so he better come correct this time. He needs to get away from those clowns. And also Natas is comming back i read on his site i think that he and masta talked and they and t are going to hook back up and do some music. I hope so I would like to hear another Natas album.
From what I’ve heard no clowns on the new album, almost no features at all, which is classic Esham solo style.

I agree his last album wasn’t that good, other than a few tracks.

I hate ICP too, I think their garbage, but when Esham’s last record company fell, they offered him the most love so I guess that’s cool. I hope James and E start RLP again.

There definitely needs to be another NATAS album and I’m sure it’s going to happen. E & Mastamind just needed to separate and do their own thing for a minute but we all the wicked shit will never die!

Oct 14, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
From what I’ve heard no clowns on the new album, almost no features at all, which is classic Esham solo style.

I agree his last album wasn’t that good, other than a few tracks.

I hate ICP too, I think their garbage, but when Esham’s last record company fell, they offered him the most love so I guess that’s cool. I hope James and E start RLP again.

There definitely needs to be another NATAS album and I’m sure it’s going to happen. E & Mastamind just needed to separate and do their own thing for a minute but we all the wicked shit will never die!

I dont mind the clowns to much sometimes they drop a good one as in Dark Lotus. I remember when Esham was going to be in Dl but it never happened. Oh well I want RL back because thats when E was on point. We will see with this next album whats up.
Dec 2, 2004
Sydal said:
HAHA...you can't consider something a CONSPIRACY THEORY!! A Conspiracy THEORY is something somebody has, but you can't consider an event a theory. In order for it to be a conspiracy, Hitler's troops would have had to plan the whole shit WITH Hitler...not just carry out his orders. He had his country brainwashed my friend, nobody planned it but him, and for personal reasons...you would know that if you ever really got that deep into history.
Man ur just makin a fool of urself actin like u know some shit when u cant even get ur facts straight.. I suggest you read the book...
"THE HOLOCAUST CONSPIRACY: An International Policy Of Genocide"
by Dr. William R Perl
... maybe it can clarify some shit for you, the author is a holocaust survivor. I'm sure he might know a bit more about the subject than you.

And don't even think that ur deep into history man, i know alot of shit about WW2 and hitler... talking about his anti-semitic roots isn't going "deep into history", you're barely scratching the surface of what the fuck happened, you've only reached the basics. You've shown that you're only on a high-school level as far as history.

"A Jewish acquaintance once criticized me for my views, adding "there are no conspiracies." "May I quote you on that?," I asked. He could not understand my purpose in wanting to do so, so I told him: "because it's not often one hears Jewish people denying the Nazi holocaust the way you just did." After advising him that the "Nazi holocaust" requires a conspiracy of German government officials, he was prepared to modify his statement to allow for the kinds of conspiracies that he believed in."
-Butler Shaffer

And until you can tell me who Ploetz, Adolf Lanz, and Georg Schönerer are then don't even try arguing this shit with me, cuz hitler wasn't the first Darwinian eugenicist. Infact the idea of eugenics tied in with anti-semitism and Aryan "New World Order" were already a core idea within Nazism before Hitler even joined the Nazi movement. So no.. you're wrong.

Don't try tellin me how it was, I know my shit and I'll make a wild guess from what you've said that I know a lot more about the subject of the holocaust then you do.

Sydal said:
1/2 on it, you just need to go back to school or something, learn some real conspiracy theories then come back and argue with me about it. Until then, you have some shit to learn.
No, you obviously are the one with some shit to learn.. get to reading.
Dec 2, 2004
WestRumble said:
it wasnt a conspiracy theory when ppl found the concentration camps and dead bodies. videos to prove it. survivors tell you their stories and have markings on their skin to prove it. they didnt get their info from some bullshit internet site like what ive seen you post on here about funk 3 five. quick to believe some bullshit internet site, coz if its on the net it must be real type of belief, thats a dumbshit....
Man u and fuckin sydal can't comprehend what my point is.... before concentration camps were captured by the Allies.. the rumors of the Nazis mass murdering jews in europe was a considered a conspiracy theory... no one thought it could have been true... the people who tried to inform the public about these concentration camps and the nazi's agenda of eugenics and mass genocide were thought of as nutcases... that is until the opposing armies found these concentration camps that the nazis had left behind.
There are still people in europe who STILL believe that the holocaust was nothing but some conspiracy theory... they deny that could have been possible.
You keep thinking of conspiracy theories as just made up bullshit... which is just not the case sometimes.
Apr 25, 2002
1/2 On It said:
There are still people in europe who STILL believe that the holocaust was nothing but some conspiracy theory... they deny that could have been possible..

THEORYS CAN BE WRONG ! the holocaust can not be proven wrong those who deny the holocaust are called nazis .
Dec 2, 2004
YOuNg WiNo said:
THEORYS CAN BE WRONG ! the holocaust can not be proven wrong those who deny the holocaust are called nazis .
lol i know man, im just havin an argument with these dudes over what constitutes a conspiracy and conspiracy theory.
Apr 25, 2002
you aint gonna win with this 2-0-Sixx,everything he believes in is a "conspiracy theory" .2-0-Sixx,if you cant exept that then your a fuckin idiot......

you and Sydal obviously have different views.theres no use in preaching to a deaf man.your always on the radical side,and tho i've agreed on "some" of your posts that i read in the past,most of the shit you say is in social and political ignorance......but i like readin your shit so keep typin......
May 13, 2002
Foul Mouth, what conspiracy theories do I believe in exactly?

The only “conspiracy theories” that I have mentioned lately that I believe and cannot prove are the murders of MLK and Malcolm X.

This particular thread is about the conspiracy of the Vatican to silence their dark secret of child molestation, which has already been proven as fact. It’s no longer a “conspiracy theory.”
Apr 25, 2002
well as far as the vatican,i dont have any respect for the catholic church.i was baptised and had my first communion,but when i tried to get my daughter baptised i went thru a bunch of bullshit,and only one church would baptise my daughter,and thats the only church location i respect,i aint catholic no more.......

as far as the cover up.i cant speak on the molestation charges cus i dont know all the facts.but yeah,theres a cover up.i can see it happening.you know fathers havent always been obligated to practice celebacy, its human nature to have sex,its just these sick fucks who like little boys.as far as AIDS in Africa,it is against catholic faith to use birth control,but the way i see it,if your gonna follow that rule,you gotta follow all the others.if not,its hypocrocy (sp) to me......i dont believe in religions,i believe in god and pray every night,but i dont see how one bible can have so many religions believing so many different things.......but whatever makes you a better person,go for it.........