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May 13, 2002
I normally dont root for people to tip over, but this cocksucker is responsible for so much death & agony that I'm not ashamed to say I want him 6 feet deep.

Pope John Paul, 84, Is Hospitalized After Days of Illness, Vatican Says


Published: February 2, 2005

OME, Wednesday, Feb. 2 - Pope John Paul II, suffering from fever and influenza for several days, was admitted Tuesday night to a hospital here because of difficulty breathing, a Vatican spokesman said.

The pope was admitted to the Gemelli Polyclinic Hospital at 10:50 p.m., the spokesman said, suffering from what a Vatican statement said included tracheitis, an inflammation of the windpipe, and spasms of the larynx, or voice box.

"He had problems breathing," said the spokesman, the Rev. Ciro Benedettini.

The ANSA news agency, quoting unidentified Vatican officials, reported that the pope was admitted as "a precaution" and that his overall condition was not in danger, since an earlier fever had subsided. Father Benedettini said the pope was sick enough to be admitted to the hospital, but added, "It's not very, very serious."

The pope was not admitted to the hospital's intensive care unit, his chief spokesman, Joaquín Navarro-Valls, told The Associated Press.

In most American hospitals, doctors would quickly insert a breathing tube in a patient suffering from laryngeal spasms and admit the patient to an intensive care unit. X-rays would be taken with a portable machine.

Taken at face value, the complications the pope suffered are "ominous and unusual," said Dr. William Schaffner, an American expert in influenza at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. The pope, who suffers from Parkinson's disease and is 84, is at high risk for a secondary bacterial pneumonia as a complication of influenza, and "almost everyone would treat such a patient with combinations of intravenous antibiotics" and an anti-influenza drug like Tamiflu, Dr. Schaffner said.

Pope John Paul has had influenza since Sunday, when he made his usual noontime appearance in St. Peter's Square, Father Benedettini said. Earlier on Tuesday, the Vatican announced that the pope's public appointments would be canceled for the next few days because of his illness. The last time sickness canceled a public appearance was in 2003 when the pope was ill with a stomach ailment.

For the last several years, the health of the once vigorous pope, elected as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in 1978, has declined sharply. In public appearances, assistants often read his sermons, and he is largely confined to a chair, needing help to kneel in prayer. But, in appearances and appointments in which he seems to struggle against his physical limitations, he has kept up a busy schedule. Though his voice was weak and at times quavering, he seemed relatively sturdy throughout the services and speeches of the holiday season.

The admission to the hospital appears to be his first since 1996, when he had his appendix removed. The Gemelli Polyclinic is the hospital where he was taken after an assassination attempt in 1981 and where he has had several operations.

Outside the hospital, television cameras staked out the entrances, and there were more police officers than usual but no sense of urgency.

Lawrence K. Altman contributed reporting from New York for this article.
May 13, 2002
Well, he has condemned the use of safe sex methods, such as condoms, specifically in Africa where as you know AIDS is killing millions of people.

He was personally involved in the covering up of thousands of child molestation charges; he even promoted the main conspirator to cover up these problems & when the rest of the world, including some members of the church asked the pope to approve a policy that would root out sex offenders he said "no."

Allowing & covering up child molestation & helping the spread of AIDS is worthy of death in my eyes.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
I don't know if you're aware of this, but in the church, you are sworn to secrecy. If I were to go to Confession and tell a Catholic priest that I killed somebody, he can't tell ANYBODY. If he does, he will no longer be a priest. They can't say ANYTHING, that's the way the religion works and has worked forever. Another thing is, you can't root anybody out of the church, it goes against policy as well. Churches are here for everybody, from all walks of life, no matter what you've done or haven't done, whether you believe or not.

About Africa...read my post in the other thread about that. The Catholic church condemns birth control everywhere it is practiced, that is part of the religion as well. The reason the majority of Africans are infected with AIDS is because their government has been denying the scientific facts for YEARS!! The United States alone, has tried so hard to get their government to LISTEN and stop denying FACTS, but they won't. That has been the topic for YEARS, so I don't know why you're blaming the catholic church or the pope for millions of people dying in Africa, blame IGNORANCE and the EDUCATION SYSTEM!! Pay attention to NEWS and not CONSPIRACY THEORIES!!


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
  • Ry


After this pope dies, how long will it be until the next pope is appointed? Do they know who his successor will be?
May 13, 2002
Sydal said:
I don't know if you're aware of this, but in the church, you are sworn to secrecy. If I were to go to Confession and tell a Catholic priest that I killed somebody, he can't tell ANYBODY. If he does, he will no longer be a priest. They can't say ANYTHING, that's the way the religion works and has worked forever. Another thing is, you can't root anybody out of the church, it goes against policy as well. Churches are here for everybody, from all walks of life, no matter what you've done or haven't done, whether you believe or not.
lmao, lame ass excuse man. We are talking about the PRIESTS MOLESTING CHILDREN, not normal citizens at at confession.

Horrible logic Sydal, fucking horrible. “Ok, well, our priests have molested THOUSANDS of children over the years but we are sworn to secrecy so it’s all good, thats the way our religion works.”

I seriously cannot fucking believe you just made that argument, somehow justifying the churches actions. You are a sick person.

The Catholic church condemns birth control everywhere it is practiced, that is part of the religion as well. The reason the majority of Africans are infected with AIDS is because their government has been denying the scientific facts for YEARS!!
LMAO! I'm sure it has nothing to do with the Church telling the citizens NOT to use condoms and that SOME "CONDOMS ARE LACED WITH AIDS."

The United States alone, has tried so hard to get their government to LISTEN and stop denying FACTS, but they won't.
You're making shit up as you speak. What African Government? Which one Sydal? Which African Country?


Pay attention to NEWS and not CONSPIRACY THEORIES!!
I dont pay attention to your news or conspiracy theories.
Jan 9, 2004
I dont know if I would wish death on the pope, that is a bit childish and extreme. He is just a figurehead to the Vatican who oversee the catholic churches and he has been suffering with disease for a long time now. But I'm a catholic so maybe I'm being partial.
Afterall, aren't there cocksucking commies and satanists to wish death upon too?


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
I'm not a sick man, why don't you be more specific here...

"He was personally involved in the covering up of thousands of child molestation charges; he even promoted the main conspirator to cover up these problems & when the rest of the world, including some members of the church asked the pope to approve a policy that would root out sex offenders he said "no.""

I'm sorry, but when I see SEX OFFENDER and CHILD MOLESTATION I don't automatically think "CATHOLIC PRIESTS". Why don't you specify next time which sex offenders you're talkin' about instead of ASSuming people know who you're talkin about. All it says there is people wanted sex offenders rooted out and that the pope was basically a cover man for child molestation. If that was PROVEN, the pope would have been ousted and removed from power of the smallest country in the world. Roman Catholics are VERY religious people, and having a corrupt leader in a country like THE VATICAN would not last long believe that.

Oh, and I wasn't speaking CONSPIRACY THEORIES, I don't have CONSPIRACY THEORIES!! But you do...
May 13, 2002
Thank you Sydal for completely ignoring my points and specific questions I asked you & thank you for wasting my time.

Sydal said:
I'm not a sick man, why don't you be more specific here...

"He was personally involved in the covering up of thousands of child molestation charges; he even promoted the main conspirator to cover up these problems & when the rest of the world, including some members of the church asked the pope to approve a policy that would root out sex offenders he said "no.""

I'm sorry, but when I see SEX OFFENDER and CHILD MOLESTATION I don't automatically think "CATHOLIC PRIESTS".
You should.

why don't you specify next time which sex offenders you're talkin' about instead of ASSuming people know who you're talkin about. All it says there is people wanted sex offenders rooted out and that the pope was basically a cover man for child molestation.
There are over 1,300 Catholic preists accused of Child molestation. Would you like the names of them all?

If that was PROVEN, the pope would have been ousted and removed from power of the smallest country in the world. Roman Catholics are VERY religious people, and having a corrupt leader in a country like THE VATICAN would not last long believe that.
ROTFLMAO!!!! So, in all the years, there never has been currupt POPES? Damn you're a fool.

Oh, and I wasn't speaking CONSPIRACY THEORIES, I don't have CONSPIRACY THEORIES!! But you do...
I do? Tell me what they are?
Jan 9, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
Are you a cocksucking catholic who helps spread the AIDS virus and covers up child molestors?

I dont know where that came from but if you need an answer: I'm not a cocksucking anything, I dont spread AIDS and I dont cover up child molesters. LMAO


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
No, I shouldn't. Do you think MICHAEL JACKSON when you hear those terms? I don't. He is what 1,300 Catholic priests are...ACCUSED!! Until there's solid evidence in these cases, nobody is guilty, which means the pope is innocent as well. You don't believe in innocent until proven guilty or what?? I find every single charge hard to believe, considering the following....

1. I've never been molested by a Catholic Priest and I've come into contact with many.
2. A shitload of these accusations followed, one after another, in a few short years...sounds like people COULD HAVE jumped on the bandwagon to join a COUPLE isolated cases...and get paid. That IS a possibilty, ya know? Still isn't ruled out. There's a lot of money behind the catholic church.
3. How did all of these priests, in different places, manage to molest children IN A CHURCH, without people knowing?
4. You're going on what you hear and read as well, which means you are about as reliable as I am in this case...we're both getting info from other sources and neither of us was there.

I SHOULDN'T think CATHOLIC PRIEST when I think of sex offenders, I don't pass that kind of judgement on people, I'm in no position to do so. Just like I don't think MICHAEL JACKSON when I think of sex offenders...I don't know what really went on 'cause I wasn't there. BUT, it does seem like somebody is trying to get paid, so it's not that far fetched for people to jump on the Catholic bandwagon to get paid too. Either way, it's not for me to decide who is crooked and who is not...I have no proof, and neither do you, except for what you read.
May 13, 2002
Sydal said:
He is what 1,300 Catholic priests are...ACCUSED!! Until there's solid evidence in these cases, nobody is guilty, which means the pope is innocent as well. You don't believe in innocent until proven guilty or what?? I find every single charge hard to believe, considering the following....
Damn homie, you’re either seriously in the dark about this shit or a complete idiot.

You haven’t heard on the news of Catholic priests being CHARGED with molestation? Are you fucking serious; you have not heard of ONE case?

Here, do a GOOGLE search and look up case after case after case of Priests being CHARGED, not simply accused, CHARGED and Punished for molestation. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&...holic+priest+charged+with+molestation&spell=1

1. I've never been molested by a Catholic Priest and I've come into contact with many.
LMAO, so that means it hasn’t happened to anybody else right?

2. A shitload of these accusations followed, one after another, in a few short years...sounds like people COULD HAVE jumped on the bandwagon to join a COUPLE isolated cases...and get paid. That IS a possibilty, ya know? Still isn't ruled out. There's a lot of money behind the catholic church.
Yeah, all 1,300 plus, you fucking idiot.

3. How did all of these priests, in different places, manage to molest children IN A CHURCH, without people knowing?
ROTFLMAO! Why does it have to happen in church?

4. You're going on what you hear and read as well, which means you are about as reliable as I am in this case...we're both getting info from other sources and neither of us was there.
No, the difference between you and I is that I’m positioning my arguments around FACTS, you my friend are simply blindly defending the church.

Fact #1: Over 1,300 Catholic priests have been accused of child molestation.
Fact#2: Dozens upon dozens of these Priests have been CONVICTED of child molestation. (one of these convicted priests lives a few blocks from my house).
Fact#3: Evidence has been released that PROVES a Vatican cover-up.

(here is one link to CBS, “For decades, priests in this country abused children in parish after parish while their superiors covered it all up. Now it turns out the orders for this cover up were written in Rome at the highest levels of the Vatican.”)

This is common fucking sense Sydal. Have you been living under a rock the last 10 years of your life? You’re telling me that you haven’t heard of any of the “sex scandals” involving the Catholic Church? Give me a break.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
I didn't say I haven't heard of any of this, where do you draw these conclusions from? Michael Jackson is being charged with the same shit all these priests are being charged with. Is there actual, physical proof that 1,300 Catholic priests fondled or committed such acts? If there's not physical PROOF, then shut your pipe. I said, a number of those, could be people jumping on the bandwagon of a few isolated cases. A DOZEN, shit, even a FEW DOZEN, is FAR FROM 1300, isn't it?

Oh, and where were the cover ups written? In Rome or in the Vatican? Rome is a state of Italy, the Vatican is its own country. So were the cover ups written by some high ranking official in Italy, or were they written by the Pope in the Vatican? Can't be written in 2 different countries can they?

Just because I haven't been molested doesn't mean nobody else hasn't. It means that it has nothing to do with the religion. Some people are sick, leave it at that. I have been paying attention for 10 years, and I have seen priests lose their "priesthood" if you will, so where's the major cover up? A lot of these incidents supposedly took place in the church, from what was gathered anyway. Why are a lot of these accuseres making accusations 10+ years after the shit supposedly took place? That's what seriously gets me.

Say I assaulted somebody, and I was rich...the news breaks, and all of a sudden I've assaulted 100 people...but in reality I only assaulted one. You don't think that could be the same shit going on here? Have you seen any of the lawsuits filed against Tupac Shakur's estate after he passed away? It's the same shit. I'm sure some of these priests did that shit, but I'm sure not all of the accused did.
Jul 24, 2002
Some Spanish bishop was the one who made the claim that condoms cannot protect you 100% from catching aids.
It is the same bishop who was crucified by the media for showing compassion for Hussein when he was captured.

The Pope condemned the child molestation that was going on.
He simply took a bad approach of addressing it.
By concealing it, he let things snowball because it was a matter of time until someone unearthed his skeletons.

I think the cat is legit, judging him by his actions towards the cat who tried to take him out the game.
And also by the way that he's turned things around when it comes to relations between Catholics and regular Christians, and even Jews.
The problem with this Pope is that he never had enough balls to completely get rid of stupid traditions.
Perhaps he held back out of fear that such a sudden change would be harmful to the broader idea of change. Slow change works in many cases when sudden change doesn't work at all....

Of coarse that is only my opinion, and everybody has their own.

Either way, I remember some Seventh Day Adventist cat was telling me about some black pope.
A black pope, that he thinks will corrupt (further I guess lol) his followers and will bring evil instead of peace. Dunno what he meant by "black" pope. Could've been a brotha or just a dark (evil) pope.