I was beat. And deserved it. Crazy little fucker... i was whipped with switches, belts, slapped and socked.
One time we pissed off my uncle so bad he fuckn went to the garage and started constructing this big paddle to hit us with... It was so heavy it didnt really hurt cuz he couldnt get no wind under it.
My momz socked me in my mouth when i was in 8th grade as the last of adolescent spankings or whatever but when we got in a fight when i was 18 she hit me with a 8x10 off the wall lol.. good times.
I say all that to say this.
I do regret alot of shit i done but think back with a smile like i was vicious. I dont feel victimized mistreated unloved or no dumb shit. I feel bad what i put my single mom thru and was able to become great friends with her before her death. She died when i was turning 28 but by 25 i was grateful she gave a fuck cuz i have a successful career great marriage and have allways been complemented for my manners and how i articulate things.. I got that from building off those whoopings..
I acknowledge that some people do get abused from a dark place and its wrong but kids need to disciplined and im proof (either tho it seemed like it wasnt working for age 0-20)
The realest shit I ever wrote (No 2Pac)(R.I.P.)
Great points from ^^& ...
To this day I feel I had slightly abnormal treatment when it came to discipline from my moms...pops wasnt there until a year ago and I'm 35.
I'll never forget having to stand in the corner for 24-48 hours for not sayin "yes maam" or for not being able to figure out a math equation on my homework, tellin me "you shoulda payed attention!"...many many times.
I'll never forget having to wear the same clothes to school sometimes for a week straight and gettin clowned by some in the process.
I'll never forget having to go collect cans during the summer time and being locked out till the next day.....I'll never forget that shit.
I could go on.
It seemed that everyone else that I knew at the time had a beautiful life except for me.
I thought of suicide and even had a nice knife at my disposal to attempt the shit....or kill her....it was in the vicinity......close proximity.
It wasnt until I got older when the thought and act of "runnin away" came into the picture....which really consisted of me goin 2 blocks away stayin at a friends house for a couple of days and eventually bein picked up by the police walkin on the street and bein taken back to the house....smh!!!
eventually (9th grade) I was taken away by CPS (courtesy of Mr Harley
JH) and life has been much more interesting since.
Maybe all that was because I was my moms 1st born??....maybe she hated my dad...she always said I looked like him.
So many people would say, How could you HATE your mom??...I always thought they were crazy for askin me that shit.
But I feel that I am who I am today because of it.
I dont know, sometimes I feel like I might have been "THAT NIGGA" if it wasnt for that...I'm not really sure.
With that said...I only discipline my son when needed. Meaning that if I told him "no" or "dont do" something AND offering an explanation as to why and he still does it...OR bringing home bad grades AFTER offering up what I feel is all the help in the world......yea, he's gonna get it.
Nothing close to what I ever got tho.