Did Buddha and his crew smoke buddha?

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May 13, 2002

Buddha was born 563 years before Jesus. The Buddha traveled a lot and came across numerous herbs. It's known that Buddhists have been using cannabis during meditation for thousands of years.

I think we have a winner.

Buddha = pot smoker.
Jesus = square.


Sicc OG
Apr 21, 2010
True Enlightenment comes to you, you can NEVER go to it (i.e. hallucinogenic drugs/trips).

Btw, on a sidenote, Islamically smoking weed for medicinal use is completely acceptable. You can stop taking xanax and smoke weed if this is what stops panic attacks from making you more unhealthy.

Islamically speaking, not praying, not fasting, not going on the Hajj, drinking alcohol are all enormous sins. Smoking weed for pleasure is not. Interesting, eh?
May 20, 2004
True Enlightenment comes to you, you can NEVER go to it (i.e. hallucinogenic drugs/trips).

Btw, on a sidenote, Islamically smoking weed for medicinal use is completely acceptable. You can stop taking xanax and smoke weed if this is what stops panic attacks from making you more unhealthy.

Islamically speaking, not praying, not fasting, not going on the Hajj, drinking alcohol are all enormous sins. Smoking weed for pleasure is not. Interesting, eh?
probably cos no ones died of marijuana use ever... but alcohol? tens or hundreds of thousands every year across the world from poisoning or accidents... but alcohols totally acceptable... big business is what it is. And weed becoming legal would be the ruling pharmaceutical companies worst nightmare.

joe rogan speaks on it

And true enlightenment comes to no one.
Apr 13, 2007
True Enlightenment comes to you, you can NEVER go to it (i.e. hallucinogenic drugs/trips).

Btw, on a sidenote, Islamically smoking weed for medicinal use is completely acceptable. You can stop taking xanax and smoke weed if this is what stops panic attacks from making you more unhealthy.


Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2009
which part? Personally I would not recommend smoking weed for someone who has very bad anxiety or panic attacks!

I used to have frequent anxiety, and panic attacks, and you're absolutely right... Weed didn't help at, and actually made it much worse... I would recommend cognitive therapy, once the base of the anxiety is found... This can be done on your own or with a therapist...

Sorry to further sidetrack the thread...
May 14, 2002
Yeah smoking weed is not good if you have panic or anxiety attacks.
Regular meditation seems to help calm you down when seem to stress out so much.
Maybe Buddha smoked too much pot and that is why he meditated so much. lol.
Apr 21, 2010
LOL, I am not saying every single person should smoke weed if they have panic attacks, but I also don't think everyone should take xanax, a highly psychologically addictive pharmaceutical which has many different side affects that come with it.

I have suffered from panic attacks in the past, directly caused from my environment, and smoking a bowl made all of my symptoms disappear. That is what it did for me, and for that reason I think I should have been able to buy it legally.

But yeah, Pak Dan, smoking weed for pleasure is only considered a small sin, much like girls not wearing a hijab. Of course, culturally speaking its taboo, but if you pray everyday but also smoke weed, then its better than if you didn't pray and didn't smoke anything.
Apr 21, 2010
Also Pak Dan, if you break your foot or hurt yourself badly in some way, and you choose not to take pharmaceuticals, then you can smoke only just enough weed so you don't feel the pain anymore, and it is not haram at all.


Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2009
LOL, I am not saying every single person should smoke weed if they have panic attacks, but I also don't think everyone should take xanax, a highly psychologically addictive pharmaceutical which has many different side affects that come with it.

I have suffered from panic attacks in the past, directly caused from my environment, and smoking a bowl made all of my symptoms disappear. That is what it did for me, and for that reason I think I should have been able to buy it legally.

But yeah, Pak Dan, smoking weed for pleasure is only considered a small sin, much like girls not wearing a hijab. Of course, culturally speaking its taboo, but if you pray everyday but also smoke weed, then its better than if you didn't pray and didn't smoke anything.

I believe if weed was legal, and it wasn't as taboo in our culture here in the US, then the number of cases where people suffered anxiety attacks from it would dropped substantially... There are definitely other contributing factors, but, that's a whole different subject all together...


Feb 16, 2006
Indica's are good for anxiety, & sativas are bad for anxiety, but always varies from person to person. buddah might of smoked weed but the Buddhist noble eightfold path does not condone it & Buddhist monks do not believe they can achieve enlightenment by using drugs.
Apr 21, 2010
Well the enormous sins are listed for Muslims, and those include drinking alcohol, not praying everyday (except when you are unable and you make those ones up), not fasting during Ramadan if you are healthy and able to, and not going on Hajj if you have enough money and time to do so (basically for the incredibly rich people and retired folks who have money saved up).

These are considered like HUMONGOUS sins, that should be avoided at all costs, but since smoking weed is not listed specifically as an enormous sin, then it is considered a smaller sin, of course it should be avoided if it is for pleasure, but it is just like i said something comparable to a girl not wearing a scarf. Not wearing a scarf is not specifically mentioned as an enormous sin, so it is a smaller sin.

It is also haram to cause yourself pain, so that explains why tattoo's are sins, and also why it is bad for you not to take anything to ease pain when you hurt yourself on accident like breaking a bone or whatever. That explains why smoking only enough weed to ease extreme pain is allowed and not considered a sin, as long as you are not smoking it to give yourself a "high" and only to avoid constant pain.

Some even suggest that weed should be used, since narcotics that are given over the counter are highly addictive (vicodin, morphine, oxycodone, etc.) and can make the person go into more pain without them, therefore getting closer to a sin. Since weed is not physically addictive, it is regarded in some educated Muslims eyes as a "better" alternative.