And again Mr. Mafioso...
Do you know that in Kansas City Tech sold more AngHellic there than any other city...
Check the numbers dude... Check how many Rich sells in a year in K.C. or anywhere else in the U.S., and then add Tech's monthly total in K.C. alone, and that will explain it all...
Honestly, Rich's CD's aren't anticipated because he doesn't make
new music, just recycled.
Yall know I had to do this... But....
Only broke niggas buy Rich's shit, that sit on the corner of 9th street & Prospect saying "Know what I'm saying," and "Playar" all damned day trying to flip that same $50 bucks into $100, and need some inspiration with his music so they can one day after 5 or 6 years of standing in the cold and rain, ducking and dodging the Feds, sagging in their only pair of dingy Dickies living off Vess soda's and honey buns and 25 cent bags of chips, funky breath, driving a primered Cutlass with two donuts and two 14" rusted gold rims that used to be his homies, with bad temp tags and mismatched doors with a taped up window, and tire in the back holding up the driver seat cause it's broke, swearing he's gonna get some candy paint and 20 inch rims and some beat in it, and wearing their month old braids, smoking weed in the basements of their friends house with fake gold teeth from the Landing Mall where they have been staying for a year swearing they are going to sell weight listen to his music... So since they are broke, they aint gonna buy that shit... So that makes probably 3 albums sold a week...
Now Tech, eeeeevvvveeeerrryyyoonnneeee!!!!! Buy's his shit....