Devin Hester named Special Teams Player of the Month

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May 13, 2002
I think the reason they do is pride and also because some teams have been successful - Seattle, Oakland and San Diego all kicked to him and they contained him no problem.

Other reasons are that when you kick away from him, coaches feel it sends the wrong message to their team, like "were afraid of him" and also and probably more importantly kicking away from him automatically gives Chicago good field position. On one kick off Denver pooch kicked it, bears started at the 50. So it's a lose lose situation.

Personally I think it's a no brainer since chicago's offense is so horrible this year.
Jan 4, 2003
Denver shoulda been smart and kicked away from him.. they couldn't stop him like Oakland did even tho tha end result didnt matter since both teams ended up with an L
May 13, 2002
my rant......

Well, da bears really fucked up big time yesterday. They had the game won, should of won, all they had to do was put up a few more points and put the nail in the coffin but failed to do so and only managed to score 3 points in the 2nd half. It's nearly impossible for them to make the playoffs now and will continue the trend of super bowl losers not making the post season the following year.

Who is to blame?

Rex Grossman? No, in fact he threw for about 300 yards, had a TD and no turnovers.

Adrian Peterson and the running game? No, Peterson had almost 70 yards in only his 2nd NFL career start and played pretty decent.

Bears defense? Nope, they forced three Eli Manning turnovers and held the Giants to 7 points up until late in the 4th quarter.

Then who? Offensive coordinator Ron TURNER!!!

Let me explain why.

At the start of the game, da bears d comes up with an interception (Urlacher). Bears get the ball. Ron Turners play calling this first series was beautiful - a no huddle offense to start the game. This completely took the Giants off guard since this is something da bears NEVER do. Grossman throws for a career best 9 for 9, Peterson picks up some nice yards off the ground a couple carries, da bears march down the field and score - 11 play drive for 85+ yards. They looked awesome.

For most of the first half, da bears offense was very effective. At halftime they were a head 13-7, although it should have been 14-0 or more. Grossman had a beautiful bomb dropped by wide open Devin Hester which would have been a certain 90 yard Touch Down. Instead, the next play bears get sacked at the 1 yard line and the punt was deflected which led to the only points of the first half from the Giants.

Still, bears were dominating the game at half time, even though the score didn't really reflect it. All da bears had to do was put some points on the board in the 2nd half, game over.

Instead the offensive play calling goes back to the same vanilla shit we've seen the past. Predictable. In addition to the predictable play calling, Adrian Peterson was the ONLY running back to carry the ball. You would think that because Cedric Benson is out for the season, Garrett Wolfe would get some of the work load and also the FB McKee as well. Nope. Ron Turner didn't find it necessary at all.

Now, while some will say that the defense lost the game because they allowed Manning to score 14 points in the 4th quarter. While this is partially true, the Giants should NEVER HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO COME BACK.

If da bears have any shot next year they need to start with firing Ron Turner in the off-season. This is probably the worst offensive coordinator I have ever seen in my life on any level.
May 13, 2002
damn, Saints fans must hate da bears, they knocked em out of the playoffs last year and are killing there playoff hopes right now. Hester caught pass that goes for a 55 yard TD and had a 64 yard punt return TD. idk why people still kick it to him

and King Neckbeard is tearing it up, already 3 TD passes
Nov 7, 2006
Hes = Scariest player in the NFL. mother fucker got 11 kick returns in 32 games. the highest ever was 13 in like 280 or something, thats insane.
Nov 7, 2006
oh and i just got his orange authentic jersey from my girl on christmas. i asked for moss but her getting that really impressed me, guess she's a keeper lol


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
fuck player of the month, Hester is the special teams player of the last 2 years.....imagine if the bears knew what to do with him on offense
Nov 7, 2006
fuck player of the month, Hester is the special teams player of the last 2 years.....imagine if the bears knew what to do with him on offense

watch the game today?

he got an offensive TD

they know what to do. hes runs fast and long and they throw it up. he caught 3 or 4 of em this year but dropped a big but oh well even the greats drop easy passes and he's not a WR


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
I didn't watch the game but I did see that highlight.....there are other ways to use him on offense besides just throwing him the ball, as a running back, as a decoy, or on a reverse.....I think he needs to step his reception game up in the offseason and he could be mentioned with the greats

montana - rice
manning - harrison
brady - moss
orton - hester :cheeky:
May 13, 2002
orton - hester :cheeky:

I think it's a combination of Hester still learning the offense, and the offensive coordinator Ron Turner being a complete idiot (more so the latter). I could only imagine how lethal Hester would be on like a Mike Martz offense or someone like that. I really hope they fire Ron Turners ass, he's horrible just like his brother.