We appreciate the help and we will get back to you on that mixtape track.
Our workload is lightening up a bit since we wrapped up about 6 tracks for other comps/projects. We have one more track to make for another comp and we'll get right on yours after that. We'll wrap it up asap.
Anyone wanting to get on future projects with us you can send tracks to:
Deep Sleep Records
P.O. Box 88
San Francisco CA 94188
Send a couple of tracks if possible to get a better feel of your capabilities. We're open to put anyone on an album that has good talent. Whether you're a rapper, singer, male or female.
We will
not use any of you material on Deep Sleep Records releases without permission But you can expect a good amount of people to hear your material, so don't send anything that you might not want going around since copies may need to be made for others to listen to your work.
My only requirement is that if you get at us and we work on something together that you come to the Deep Sleep Studio in SF to record. This is done for quality purposes and you can record wherever you want as long as the quality is good and that you or your engineer can send us the file(s) in the necessary format.
Let us know if you're sending anything if you can so that we can let you know when we receive your work and so that we know who you are.
Any questions:
[email protected]