Ive been talkin with people about this for quite some time.. We all say that nothing is gonna happen, and I say that too, just like Y2K and all that other stupid shit... Like War of the Worlds when it was broadcast over the radio and people believed it was really happening.. Word of mouth. There are some interesting things about 2012 Nostradomus, the philosopher that used stars to predict the future is the same dude that predicted World War II, and even the World Trade Centers... Now the one about Word Trade center is debatable more then the WWII but still.. He said that a Meteor is gonna hit ripping a hole in the earth allowing the 3rd Antichrist to be summond and summon his minions or some shit like that (look up 2012 on wiki haha). I found it funny cuz Charles Manson gets to go back to court and shit in 2012 too. But anyway back to the meteor, he predicted that something was gonna fall out the sky and hit... NASA said that there is something that if it doesnt change path will be scheduled to hit in 2012. I think someone on the first page mighta mentioned this. There are also books writtin long ago about 2012.. I dont know if it has anything to do wiht it but on the Mayan Calander, the 13th cycle or whatever ends in 2012.
People have been predicting Armageddon for many years about this date, so I cant wait to see what happens. I dont think the earth is gonna blow up or everyone is gonna die, but Im hoping for something extrodinarily insane to happen.
People also connect aliens to 2012. Hed P.E. likes to talk about 2012 too.
"Prepare to meet your maker in the skies over the pyramids / Check Stonehenge / Go ask the Mayans / 2012 soon come / I will be waitin' sayin' I told you so / When the skies are ripped open / And the mothership lands on your cynical ass"
"Come 20-12, come 12 tribes, come 12 strands, come 12 lives
12 steps, 12 months, 12 muthafuckas
All make bail, kicked 'cause of the crowded jails
Sex and violence sells
12 serial killers, 12 dead without a trail or trace
It's prime time, the fight night, pay-per-view, suicide, the beesting
Then at the live shows they talk about 2012 too.
This is just some facts and shit, not sayin nothing is gonna happen for sure.. I dont have a side on this... Just hope something will happen... Then agian i bet people were ready for shit to pop off on 666