Deceased Siccness Member Screen Names (Making A List)

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not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
LOL! BLOOD! DUKE REALLY POSTED ANOTHER DUKES PICS! HAHAHHAHAHAHA! No lie I wasn't even going to comment but now I have too it's too funny not to. I'm really over here laughing.

Now for the facts:

1. Um..I don't have a twitter.
2. Um..I don't have a paypal.
3. Um..I'm not from California.

I made up a email just for siccness when I signed up and deleted it. If you don't claim a e-mail longer than a certain amount of time, it goes back into rotation. Thereby being left to be claimed by someone else.

Now, I'm not a stalker or anything, but the facebook page in question isn't even attached to any email that you claim it's attached to. Unless I'm missing something (but again, I'm not a stalker so). And there is no twitter page attached to the email either. The RMB user with the rag, earrings and dreads looks nothing like the fb kid and looking into it age is confirmed before acceptance so they are not the same person.

You seem to be flip flopping from targeting people who's USER NAME (lol) is identical to the email to who's user name is identical to the user name. That's pretty vague research don't you think? Props to whoever else on the interwebs is using the name "Omnificent". I have good taste lol. Looks to me like you simply typed in an email in google and jumped on whatever you saw as gospel. For the sake of entertainment, nice work. Other than that, a 30 plus guy looking up a bunch of kids is...Strange.

All kidding aside, let me see if I have this right: I accuse you of being a psychotic/stalker/murder-- which is all true-- and you decide to get me back...By STALKING a kid and proving for all to see that everything I said about you was true? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA (I'm really laughing).

But I guess you win because I'm done with this thread. LOL, you already gave me exactly what I was looking for so no need to go further.

EDIT: Paragraph breaks.
Kind of weird then that the same e-mail that was used to sign up for this site, is the same listed in that Hypebeast thread, which also shows a picture with your screen name here. I'm guessing these are all coincidences though going by what you say.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
By the way Ellis, I already know you are lying about that not being you but I just wanted to see what you were going to say...

Nes | San Jose, CA | Hip Hop / R&B / Urban Pop | Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos | ReverbNation

Weird that that reverbnation page links to both the myspace in that quote above and to that Facebook as well and hmmm.. and all three have the name Nes in them.

So just curious as to why you are saying that's not you? lol