@ red dragon, thanks... you must not live in cali... i wanted to get that gun (made by taurus right?) but i cant get one in cali.... some BS.... i got other shit, but im startin to get pissed at these fuckin gun laws
Naw I'm in the 4 n a quarter.
Ya its a Taurus revolver...i couldnt pass up the fact it shoots Colt.45 and .410 Shotgun Shells.
I used 2 own a Colt AR and I once put a bullet thru my neighbors cieling with a P92 Taurus...
So when I thought about it n put it all together (COLT AND TAURUS) I knew I had 2 own 1.
I decided against the smaller Public Pretender jus cuz If I wanted a compact i'd stick with a Glock.
I also met an educated man who gave me a contact 2 threaded barrels 4 the Herstal .57 so u can throw a sound supresser on it..its legal 2 own in WA. jus cant use it here. But it makes the gun alot more attractive with a silencer n a light...n the fact it holds 20+1 made it a must have.
And at ROSETOWNRYDA Ya I heard that 2 playa!..i jus dont tuck tail when i think sumthin needs 2 be said...call it what ya will G..if I didn't speak on somthing I felt needed 2 be said than i'd consider myself a mark...so fuck that.
I told J Stalin his last shit was commercial and I was bombarded..i also said the same shit 2 AP9 and guess waht? same shit, I was bombarded from asskissers and rappers who cant handle the truth...sad thing is I think Stalins the best shit 2 happin 2 the bay in 15 years..jus wasnt feelin prenup...he made up 4 it tho with Annulment droppin right afterwords 4 the underground Bay head like me.
I said I knew you gotta have that commercial sound 2 go nation n I understood it. Maybe I shoulda kept my opinion 2 myself but I swear this goin commercial 2 blow shit needs 2 end...fucked up part is 9 outta 10 people are fuckin "marks" that will think a terd smells good if ya tellem it does.
Arson did remind me 2 choose my words carefully...I do respect his views not jus the fact he can can go thru anyones shit n do whatever...if he did he'd mostly jus find pictures of my girl posin 4 the camera phone n the cats n the fish n dumb shit...therz a couple pics a me but im no slouch...i dont myspace,facebook n this the only board i go 2..well besides like google n pornhub or sum.
On anotha note I did like the way Arson handled that guy slangin the pits...i was impressed with the morality and virtue..not 2 mention the str8 facts of knowin the difference between the performance u get between a hybrid and an original thurobred.
4give my spelling n grammer mistakes i never really made it thru school.thx