despite my half-mexican heritage, I don't like mowing my lawn j/k I don't mind it but it's mostly weeds now and it rained/snowed a lot lately so that crap was getting out of control and it was a bitch to cut.
despite my half-mexican heritage, I don't like mowing my lawn j/k I don't mind it but it's mostly weeds now and it rained/snowed a lot lately so that crap was getting out of control and it was a bitch to cut.
two words for you - RoundUp, Use that on your pine straw and mulch beds...
What kind of turf do you have? The bermuda out this way is still dormant.. I haven't had to mow anything yet.
Depends on where it is growing. If its on your turf i would use three way selective herbicide... Mix it in a one gallon sprayer and have at it. It'll take care of your weed problem and leave your lawn looking clean. If its in a natural area or bed then kill it with roundup. If its in a wet area muddy/soggy I would use reward .. The active ingredient is diquat which is in an aquatic herbicide the will definitely speed up the process.
Depends on where it is growing. If its on your turf i would use three way selective herbicide... Mix it in a one gallon sprayer and have at it. It'll take care of your weed problem and leave your lawn looking clean. If its in a natural area or bed then kill it with roundup. If its in a wet area muddy/soggy I would use reward .. The active ingredient is diquat which is in an aquatic herbicide the will definitely speed up the process.
It's my WHOLE LAWN lol We had 2 straight summers of like 30+ straight days of over 100 degrees. My neighbor doesn't mow her lawn and my lawn is mostly weeds now because of those 2 things. I'm better off covering it in gasoline and setting the whole thing on fire
It's my WHOLE LAWN lol We had 2 straight summers of like 30+ straight days of over 100 degrees. My neighbor doesn't mow her lawn and my lawn is mostly weeds now because of those 2 things. I'm better off covering it in gasoline and setting the whole thing on fire
ahh man i hate those kinds of lawns... Your basically mowing weeds every week which is hella hard to maintain during peak season... You might as well nuke it with "Agent Orange" thats the stuff they dropped in the jungles in vietnam to clear out the vegetation and push the vietcong back lol .. That shit aint not joke