Dallas Plays Their Second Good Team And Look Wut Happenz

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Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
Yea u right Tampa is weak!! They are 4-6! And u just suckin the hell outa fatal's lil dick!! We beat Philly who is much better than Tampa so keep tryin!! Also thats all u gay whiner fans can do....shoulda woulda could!! Yall aint close to bein 9-1 so get over it!! Your team is booboo, the sooner u get that the better!! GOT EM!!
Apr 25, 2002
look, you are the epitome of a football know-nothing. you base your shit on record.... Philly is coming back but they arent a good team, they're decent at best. but you fagz beat them when they sucked ballz. they're getting back on track now just like the Niners are, i know you hate it but it's true. and Tampa is a good team, not a top 5 but they are good. Dallas is a fluke. everytime i admitted you guyz were playing a good team, YOU GOT SHUT OUT. i know more than you can imagine. czar knowz absolutely nothing about sports or life in general. go back to the studio and work on your shitty rhymez fat boy.


Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
Hahahah!! Damn its funny how u cant fade me and I make u butthurt on the daily!! Your weak attempt at insults prove that!! Get over it cause it wont stop!! Also we have proven that u know nuthin about football so go on & on about how Tampa is good and Philly is weak!! U only makin yourself look stupid!! 2ndly u act like I said Dallas was gonna win the bowl or sumthin!! I have said time & time again I expected a 8-8 at best 9-7 season so u aint sayin shit!! We have done alot better than I expected so its all good!! Are your whiners exceeding your expectations?? Hahahahah!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 25, 2002
unlike a shitty Dallas team, the Niners fans have high expectations bcuz of wut they have accomplished and wut they have the ability to accomplish. it aint my fault if your fruity ass hick town team suckz dick and their fanz have low expectations.

and you aint gettin to anybody, but keep tellin yourself you are like you alwayz do. that in itself is making you look like a fuckin fag. get a life and start a new rap career with a different name cuz your shit is trash.


Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
U can have all the high expectations u want, but if your team is booboo like your whiners then it dont mean shit!! Yall aint done shit in over 9 years so quit yappin about what yall done!! Hhaahah!! Yall booboo!! GOT EM!!
May 2, 2002
cant handle the truth so you gotta call me a moron huh? sure buddy.
If the shoe fits...and what's the truth? Buddy.....

Why shouldn't I be able to comment? Cause I'm a Browns fan? O.K. :rolleyes:

This is the 3rd post on the same topic. If you don't want me to comment on it, then quit being a moron and check the board...it only takes a minute.


Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
^^Real talk gimp!! But wait he is tryin to clown u for bein a Browns fan, but didnt the Browns beat the gay Whiners this year?? Hahahahha!!! And obviously he called u a moron for your lack of knowledge about football!! Tampa bay is the shit huh?? Hahahaah!! try again pluto!! GOT EM!!


Siccness Gray Hair
Apr 25, 2002
Auburn Wa
CZAR said:
I expected a 8-8 at best 9-7 season so u aint sayin shit!! We have done alot better than I expected so its all good!! Are your whiners exceeding your expectations?? Hahahahah!! GOT EM!!!

Fatal is proving my Guru like status in his sig.Good shit Pluto..lol
Can we all agree that Phil-town is back in this bitch?We still got to beat the fist place Cowboys though.Not an easy task with that defense they got.This guy put Minnesota and GB....LOL



Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
U feel me Bammer!! yea fatal u need to change your wack ass sig, cause Philly is close to what he is sayin!! Hahhaha!! Dont u feel like a used up hoe pluto?? Hahahha!! U lose again as uaual, so comeback with some more insults pluto!! Its all u have which is worthless & meaningless!! Hhahaah!! GOT EM!!
Apr 25, 2002
gimpypimp said:
If the shoe fits...and what's the truth? Buddy.....

Why shouldn't I be able to comment? Cause I'm a Browns fan? O.K. :rolleyes:

This is the 3rd post on the same topic. If you don't want me to comment on it, then quit being a moron and check the board...it only takes a minute.
if you dont want to read another thread about the same topic, THEN DONT CLICK ON IT YOU FUCKIN IDIOT.
Originally posted by CZAR
Real talK gimp!!
shut the fuck up you faggot ass bitch, you do the same thing EVERY time the Niners lose a game. stupid fuck. ignorance is bliss isnt it czar? i bet you dont even understand that last question. fuckin idiot.
Originally posted by CZAR
But wait he is tryin to clown u for bein a Browns fan, but didnt the Browns beat the gay Whiners this year??
once again you prove to be one of the stupidest if not THE stupidest motherfucker on this board. i said he's a Browns fan, yeah, but i didnt down him for it you sorry sac of shit. i said this thread didnt involve his team so he can quit his bitching. but you were too stupid to catch that werent you czar? idiot.
Originally posted by Bammer
Fatal is proving my guru like status in his sig. Good shit Pluto..lol
1. get off czar's little nuts. that pluto shit is stupid as fuck, but i guess retards find it amusing.
2. philly is nowhere near the best team in football.

Originally posted by CZAR
yea fatal u need to change your wack ass sig
speaking of sigs being whack, you need to change your bitchmade faggot ass sig. "quit livin in the past" you fat piece of shit.


Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
Hahhaahhaah!! This is str8 comedy!! Face the facts mane u got schooled pluto!! Count to 10 pluto!!! U lose!! U have no crediblity in this forum and u made your own self look like a pluto!! Hahahahah!! U cant handle gettin schooled in this forum so try sumthin else!! hahahahah!!! Hilarious pluto!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 25, 2002
i got schooled? in wut? fuckin moron. if you're referring to my top 5 NFC list, you're a fuckin idiot. every single one of those teamz would whoop on your shitty squad, probably shut em out too! LMAO. and i have no credibility? LOL that's very ironic coming from you, the jackass that NOBODY takes seriously.