Dallas Cowboys Muthafuckaz!!!

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Apr 17, 2003
and wut'z really funny is the fact that czar claimz to be the guru of sportz and he supposedly knowz everything, but his fat ass cant play ANY sport.

Except for ONE sport. He made up his own sport. He calls it "bobbing for dicks", He's the best at bobbing for dicks. He should get a gold medal for it.

Apr 25, 2002
i dont think this fat piece of shit has the stamina to even play golf. even if he has a golf cart he still wouldnt make it walking from the cart to the ball. it's a substantially overwhelming workout for sumone who's daily activities include sitting on his ass in front of the computer, sitting on his ass playing Madden, and sitting on his ass on the toilet, with a little walking strictly for tansferring himself from the computer to the couch or to the toilet to shit out the 10 pounds of Hoe Hoes his fat ass devoured hours before. cant forget the numerous trips to the fridge to keep that cholesterol high, we wouldnt want it dropping.


Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
Yo fatal I already called gaystack out but he refused, so dont tell me I wont do shit about it!! And if he is a racist then that on him, I was just askin mane!! But sense u dont think that is a racist statement, then I can call him a wetback and it would be ok right?? And are u gonna say that a statement wasnt referring to me, but then put my name in it pluto!! U are a dumb pluto mane!! Get over it pluto, I am the Guru of this bitch!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 25, 2002
wut do you not understand? a better question would be would DO you understand? there wouldnt be much of an answer would there? when i said to go to Frisco and tell the residents their city is full of faggots i wuz talking to tony206, but since i had the feeling you'd say sumthing like "i already did that shit mane!! nobody did shit to me!! GOT EM!!" i threw your name in telling you NOT TO BOTHER. get it now? probably not.

and i dont give a flying fuck if you call him a wetback. you take that race bullshit too seriously pendejo. you callin him a wetback would be like me calling you a nigger. i wouldnt get offended but you would cuz you're a punk ass pussy. you aint gonna do shit to any racist "mane." so quit trying to call people out for being racist cuz it does you no good.

i swear black folks take that "racism" shit too far. nobody else is complaining like that. call a mexican a wetback and he'll probably laugh at you for thinking you're getting to him. call a white man a cracker and nobody givez a shit. chinese people are called chinks, not too many give a fuck. oh but once you make a racist comment to a black man he gotta get all defensive right czar? fuck that every race getz hated on so kill the racism bullshit you fat piece of shit. you aint special cuz you're black. now shut the fuck up puto.


Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
Hahahah!! Damn I have been gettin to u the most on this board lately!! U have taken nitro's place as the most person I piss off!! I luv it!! Anyway it dont matter cause none of yall will call me a racist name in my face so its all irrelevant!! 2ndly pluto never assume shit! Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups!! So no I wouldnt have said I wnet to frisco and said they are gay, cause I dont have a problem with the city of frisco, I just think the football team is gay especially the flaming QB!!! So accept it and move on!!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 17, 2003
wut do you not understand? a better question would be would DO you understand? there wouldnt be much of an answer would there? when i said to go to Frisco and tell the residents their city is full of faggots i wuz talking to tony206, but since i had the feeling you'd say sumthing like "i already did that shit mane!! nobody did shit to me!! GOT EM!!" i threw your name in telling you NOT TO BOTHER. get it now? probably not.

and i dont give a flying fuck if you call him a wetback. you take that race bullshit too seriously pendejo. you callin him a wetback would be like me calling you a nigger. i wouldnt get offended but you would cuz you're a punk ass pussy. you aint gonna do shit to any racist "mane." so quit trying to call people out for being racist cuz it does you no good.

i swear black folks take that "racism" shit too far. nobody else is complaining like that. call a mexican a wetback and he'll probably laugh at you for thinking you're getting to him. call a white man a cracker and nobody givez a shit. chinese people are called chinks, not too many give a fuck. oh but once you make a racist comment to a black man he gotta get all defensive right czar? fuck that every race getz hated on so kill the racism bullshit you fat piece of shit. you aint special cuz you're black. now shut the fuck up puto.

The thing is, this bitch Little CaeZar AIN'T Black! He's just as much WHITE as he is BLACK. So he's a fuckin nimrod! PLUS he's from the SUBURBS of Newark so I don't know why he tries to front like he's a G. Oh and you called me out? Bitch please, I'll knock you the fuck out you fuckin simp. Shit, I'll call you much more than a racist to your face. You talk about assumptions, yet you assume that I'm some little guy and you assume wrong. Me and you are the same size, faggot. Except I have muscle and you have fatness. Matter of fact, this Marine is bigger than you and would kick your ass sideways like the ho-cake that you are. Trust that. You are a joke to me and to everyone on this board. That's why no one in here takes you seriously. So you're little threats are the only things that are irrelevant in here. Face the facts bitch, you're a joke, a clown, a punk , a simp and a no-nothing-idiot on top of it all. When and if I do see you in person ever again, you best believe we're gonna handle it. I'm looking forward to the moment cuz you deserve to get your dumb ass beat. From the looks of it. seems like YOU are the only one gettin all upset over some insulting posts and I personally find it funny as hell that you're getting a taste of your own medicine. That's why I'm never gonna stop clownin you no matter what you do. See ya around Guru of dick sucking.



Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
Yo u keep runnin your mouth well lets handle it then!! We can meet at my cousins house since u know him!! Now what!! 2ndly u guess wrong again, cause aint a ounce of white in me pluto!! Nice try though!! This lil kid is hella funny!! Anyway dont say shit u cant back up!! Lil pluto mark!! Hahahaha!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 17, 2003
CZAR said:
Yo u keep runnin your mouth well lets handle it then!! We can meet at my cousins house since u know him!! Now what!! 2ndly u guess wrong again, cause aint a ounce of white in me pluto!! Nice try though!! This lil kid is hella funny!! Anyway dont say shit u cant back up!! Lil pluto mark!! Hahahaha!! GOT EM!!!

Bullshit! You had plenty of White IN you last night-all the White men that you fuck! Don't be mad at me cuz they didn't pull out of you! HAHAHAHA! Puerto Rican, White, whatever the fuck, point is you AIN'T 100% Black, you fake ass homo! Thanks for proving my point you fuckin geek. Look at how heated you are! HAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE pissin you off. But now, let's get back to the subject at hand. ANY time, ANY place. Come down to my block. I stay on Smalley, right off of A street. Come get at me and we'll see who's real about their shit. But if you wanna meet at your cousin's pad, that's cool too. I'll be glad to beat you down in front of your family if you want.



Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
Aight pluto we can meet at my cuzzo's then!! Dont fake out either!! But u can go ahead and keep thinkin what my nationality is anyway!! Uza str8 joke, and probably some lil mark sneakin on his moms comp while she is out hooking!! Hahahah!! GOT EM!!
Apr 17, 2003
CZAR said:
Aight pluto we can meet at my cuzzo's then!! Dont fake out either!! But u can go ahead and keep thinkin what my nationality is anyway!! Uza str8 joke, and probably some lil mark sneakin on his moms comp while she is out hooking!! Hahahah!! GOT EM!!

^^^^^Whoah. Look at the tough G with his scary threats. First you're a tough internet thug, now you're tryin to lighten the situation with some weak ass little kid insults, cuz you're a pussy. Look dickmouth, just cuz your mom's fucked a Yugoslavian, a Puerto Rican and an Arab in one night and can't tell which one is your dad, don't mean you can go around claimin you're Black. YOU are the biggest joke on these boards. I already pointed that out to you. I know I'm the 50th person to point that out to you, but it's the truth. And your boys are lying to you, your raps absolutely suck dick-just like you, fag boy. I'll be happy to beat the chubby Arab/Puerto Rican/White outta you. Like I said, fag, ANY PLACE, ANY TIME. And for the love of god, STOP SUCKING SO MUCH DICK!



Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
Aight mane u a waste of time!! Whenever u wanna meet at my cuzzo's let me know Hit me on the pm and I can give u my number and whenever u ready let me know!! I am in the yoc now so i only fuck wit my cuzzo on the weekends!! Other than that keep yappin cause u are a mark and the shit u say is plain stupid!! Now u already know the deal, so its on u, I am back to sports now cause u are worthless and u cant fade me trust me!! Forgot we are in a Dallas thread!! Dallas muthafuckaz!! 6-2 tricks!! How u like that!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 25, 2002
CZAR said:
Hahahah!! Damn I have been gettin to u the most on this board lately!! U have taken nitro's place as the most person I piss off!! I luv it!! Anyway it dont matter cause none of yall will call me a racist name in my face so its all irrelevant!!
i wouldnt call you a racist name, but i'd take so many shotz at your fat ass you wont know wut hit you like Muhammed Ali.
Apr 17, 2003
CZAR said:
Aight mane u a waste of time!! Whenever u wanna meet at my cuzzo's let me know Hit me on the pm and I can give u my number and whenever u ready let me know!! I am in the yoc now so i only fuck wit my cuzzo on the weekends!! Other than that keep yappin cause u are a mark and the shit u say is plain stupid!! Now u already know the deal, so its on u, I am back to sports now cause u are worthless and u cant fade me trust me!! Forgot we are in a Dallas thread!! Dallas muthafuckaz!! 6-2 tricks!! How u like that!! GOT EM!!!

You only FUCK your cousin on weekends? Keep that to yourself faggot. We don't wanna know that shit. That some nasty incest shit. Damn, I knew you were a fag but I didn't know you rolled like THAT! Anyway, just like I thought, already punkin out like the pussy that you are. You can PM me just as easy as I can PM you. It's all good though, we'll see each other sooner or later. It's STILL fuck the CowBITCHES!

Apr 17, 2003
tony206 said:
you said you were going to PHONETICALLY type that shit up. until you do that im going to ignore every single 1 of ur posts. sorry but you have lost this battle.

Actually, if you weren't as stupid as you are, or maybe could fuckin read, you'd see that I actually wrote: "Do you understand now or do I have to phonetically type everything out for you?" That's called sarcasm. It was also a question NOT a statement. So if you're gonna try and be funny or smart with your replies, learn to fuckin read. There's no need to say anything more kid, YOU lost this one a LONG time ago. You sure don't seem to be ignoring every single one of my posts since you keep replying to them all. Get over it already.