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Aug 26, 2002
BornSin said:
^lol @ u......for one, ive played hockey at a high level since i was 8 so dont tell me about gettin hit or bein tough......2, Ive also played organized baseball & basketball since i was about 12......the only sport i aint played "organized" meaning for an actual team is football.......but even still, i can play some football too.........so yea, id say i have some athletic ability.......whats on your resume slick??
here we go:

Started playing "organized" fast pitch baseball when i was 5....after 10...i grew a lot in size(hieght)...and always played for the team 2 yrs older than myself.....Started playin football when i was in fifth grade.....i was a scared bitch...cause i played with 7graders....shit was intimidating...but after that year...i went into junior high a monster...i played QB...and linebacker (dont make no sense) when i think about it....

In baseball ..at 14 yrs old..i was on the "All KansasCity" team...wheni was 14....and the team age...was 16-18...i was being looked at by a San Diego Padres scout..callin my house...at 15 1/2 i broke my ankle playin "unorganized" basketball for a church fundtion (im still pissed at GOD)...needed surgery.....got pins and a plate in my ankle...never the same..couldnt run right...or push off when i pitched cause it was my right ankle......ended of my athletic career......

Hockey...i can respect that...atleast you didnt say a BITCH-ASS sport like soccer...

May 10, 2002
^good shit......u sound like you got some size to you.....one thing that always avoided me @ 5'9 1/2......its like scouts dont look your way when your under 6' these days......
Apr 25, 2002
@ fat ass, i didnt respond until now bcuz i dont spend day and night online. once again i must say, GET A LIFE.

@ Bammer, my cousin played for a county team and they called their holes R1, R2, L1, and L2.. i wuz taught by numbers only. hole 1 being between the left guard and tackle, hole 2 being between the left tackle and the center, hole 3 between center and right tackle, and 4 being between RT and RG. forgive me if i mixed the guard and tackles up, im not a lineman nor do i give a rats ass about their position's names. anyway, as you can see, there are different names for the holes, and NO they're not the same as the NFL. my other cousin plays for a pop warner team and they go by 1, 3, 5, and 7. each team or coach will teach differently. does that answer your question?

@ BornSin, i stand about 5'11" 1/2 and weigh 215lbs. i accel at every sport i play. i hate baseball, but im pretty good at it anyway. im pretty damn good at basketball as well. the only sports im not good at are bitch sports, such as golf, tennis, bowling, etc.... i highly doubt you more athletic ability than me, period. much less in your left pinky. as for hockey, ive never really played hockey on ice. only hockey ive played is ghetto hockey on the fuckin street with roller blades. not my thing but im still not bad.

as for czar, i see he has no resume cuz he cant play shit. he has the width to play O-Line but lacks the height, strength, skill, and stamina so you can throw that out the window. but im sure he plays starting QB, WR, LB, CB, SS, FS, FB, HB, and DE every day when he jocks Madden 2004! other than that he cant do shit, much less speak on my athletic abilities.

and ive explained repeatedly why Dallas is a fluke.... i gives a shit if you believe me. but when that sorry ass squad getz sent home miserably (probably by getting shut out again) you'll understand and realize your team doesnt deserve an 8-3 record. that record is misleading. fuck wut you think, i go by wut i KNOW.


Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
Now pluto is talkin about my resume!! U have no idea what I have played mane so keep guessing!! I will run rings around u in any sport!! Pleez beleev dat!! Your talk is cheap and weak just like your gay QB and whiner squad!! Enjoy a long off season and anotha booboo year by your gay team!! Dallas bitch!! GOT EM!!!
May 2, 2002
Fatal...if you were a RB for that long, you should be able to know the difference between a Guard and a Tackle.

lol...even if you weren't a lineman or don't care about their proper names, that's almost 10 years of football...it should become almost second nature.

Are you telling the truth?
Jul 28, 2002
Much love to the Cowboys. After years of gettin' critisized by the homie's for liking a weak team, they come back to their tip-top shape of the 90's. Regardless if they lose the Bowl, or regardless if they lose the first round of the Play-Offs and don't make the bowl this season was still a success to me. Next year get ready to see Keyshawn Johnson & Corey Dillon in Dallas. Super Bowl here we come. 2004-2005 season, maybe even 2003-2004 season!
Apr 25, 2002

This fool CZAR must dedicate himself hard to this forum. I think he lives for talkin' shit to Raider and 9er fans. Shit's comedy. Anyway, the tuna has turned a shitty ass team into a playoff contender which has surprised everybody this year. Nobody could have guessed it.

The 9ers still have hope but it's lookin' grim. Our head coach is a piece of shit. I mean his NFL record (32-34) is speakin' for itself right now. 9ers really needa get rid of Erickson to turn this team around. Let Rattay start and get rid of Garcia too, cuz I think his time has come and gone...

The Cowgirls have had a good season so far, but regular season wins don't mean shit come playoff time. I doubt they make it past the second round, but we'll see...


Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
Dont trip gimpy the only football pluto has played is 10 yard fight on atari!! Hhahahah!! Yo chronic I actually dont much shit to Raider fans anymore cause after thinkin about it, we get along with Raiders so I aint trippin, but I still might clown from time to time!! But its still Fuck the Gay Ass Whiners on mine!! And I told yall marks from the jump that hiring Erickson (worst coach) was booboo!! But ofcourse fools like tone dog the 5-6 said it was a great move!! Erickson is the worst coach in the league and once yall got him I knew yall was gonna do booboo!! Deal with it!! Dallas bitch!! GOT EM!!
Apr 25, 2002
gimpypimp said:
Fatal...if you were a RB for that long, you should be able to know the difference between a Guard and a Tackle.

lol...even if you weren't a lineman or don't care about their proper names, that's almost 10 years of football...it should become almost second nature.

Are you telling the truth?
they didnt teach us proper names for the line. the way they taught us is by example, not the way i explained it to Bammer. in other words, they showed us the holes, they didnt say "okay hole 1 is between the left tackle and left guard...." and when we reviewed plays they'd tell us to hit hole 1, 2, 3, or 4, not "go between RT and RG." in high school our guards and tackles alternated on both sides, so when they'd list "John Doe" as a guard on the roster he would sumtimez be playing tackle instead. it gets confusing i know, but that's how shit wuz. i knew sumone would try to pull sum gay shit like this.... LMAO. i dont care if you believe me or not. this is a message board, but if we had a real game of football it would be a different story.

and czar, your fat ass couldnt even run one circle around me without dropping to the floor from lack of stamina. i'd roll you up in any position on the field, including O-Lineman cuz i'm more than likely 2 to 3 timez stronger than you. how many hours a week to you spend in the gym lifting? how many times a week do you take a jog or run, and how far do you run? i bet the answer to all of the questions is 0. and wut sports have you played? BTW, playing with your fat buddies at the park doesnt count.


Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
Yo born pluto is a fairy mane!! He would get demolished by me in any sports hands down!! he can go ahead with the small talk, but the reality is he has no idea about what I play or how strong I am so go ahead and keep guessin cause like u said, its a board and u will never know!! But just to tell u I play Basketball, football, and use to play a lil baseball, but that was 3rd out of the 3 sports!! Learn about it scrub!! U cant fade me except for in your dreams!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 25, 2002
what positions? wut teamz (high school, recreational....)? you didnt answer my questions. how often do you work out? obviously not much bcuz your pic showz a fat fuck who needs a hair cut. go out and exercise before you try to lie to me about wut sports you play and how good you are. you dont know the first thing about football, all you do is guess (you call it predicting, but a prediction requires an EDUCATED guess). basically you just talk a bunch of shit hoping to piss people off (which never even works) and make an ass out of yourself. and before you even try to say you're pissing me off, get this through your head: i find it hilarious to cap on a fat out of shape wannabe rapper like you. i aint mad, im just having fun dissing you.

and Borin, keep dreaming. basically we'll never know cuz you're in Maryland. we can go back and forth all day and night but it wont get anywhere. you just keep telling yourself wutever makes you happy.


Sicc OG
Aug 25, 2003
If u must know in football I played QB, RB, WR on offense and on defense I played CB, & Safety!! In basketball I played PG, SG!! In baseball the lil bit I played I played outfield!! I work out at Extreme fitness 5 times a week!! Is there anything else u wanna know about me?? U have me thinkin you are like your QB Gaycia!! Hahahah!! I hope not!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 25, 2002
how you gonna lie homeboy? have you forgotten about your pic you used to have in your sig? you aint workin out 5 timez a week pendejo! and QB, RB, WR, CB, and Safety in football? LMAO!!!! those positions require you to be in shape! the best you can do is O-Line, D-Line, and maybe FB.