beep!!! attention please park in the designated spaces
hey i hit up that bbq that was like a small drive from where i am from, i was pretty much halfway and forgot to get autographs, i met a lot of cool artists
was kicking it by the radio w/ side industry and game insane that was cool, there was no shortage of bluntage going on over there
man i was selling some cool posters, but i only sold one and gave one away, picked up some gameinsane cds and the side industry new one and the prime suspectz w/black c, and taydatay, saw hella folks
like Black C, Loki, DE, Cellski, Ray Luv, i probally saw more artists but i forgot already, damn those autographs.
oh well i had some hamburger for 4.00 w/o the beans and a sack a tater chips and a soda and some free chciken from the side industry table.
next bbq i think ill fire up some chicken