Im sure it don't matter too much, but wasn't TRIPPS mainly on bloods. And where, the fuck have you seen any affiliation between them and FYPA cats (crips) over the years? It don't add up at a glance.
Sippy, you're incorrect. The Trips are Crips not bloods (Johnny "Pedro" Williams aka Trip 1 doesn't bang anymore. He's doing positive things with the youth and the community these days. His brother Pierre is still in the Feds).The gang affilation has nothing to do with the 2 record labels. The Tripps never had anything to do with this project PERIOD. That was my only point. 2 Different crews & sets. They were never business partners.
Lol! Just wanted to make sure that you had the right info Sippy. You know how we do. Lol! You're always good with me.
Now I just have one question for you, Why did bidd on my D-man cd if you noticed all those differences between your cd and mine?
I also remember that I posted a good scann of my front here and also on my auction when I sold it.
And now you are asking me for a positive feedback???
A: I bid on your item because like I said...I was trying to be greedy by trying to keep these CD's on lock. Next thing you know...I got done in with a bootleg that I had never seen. I head of it, but never seen it in person. I've seen it on a Japanese auction site that Ced P, put me up on. I mentioned this on the first page of this thread. Please read, before you ask. Sometimes the answer to your question are right in your face. I can admit to trying to lock/corner the market, but that's what businessmen do.
A: I never posted your auction pictures. Check the pictures. I posted a scans of my OG copy and your bootleg copy. Like I said apparently didn't have any clue about your copy being a bootleg.
A: I'm asking everybody for feedback. I usually do that once a month. Sometimes I forget. I asked you for feedback, because I thought that we settle this little ordeal like gentlemen and moved on. Like I said I never even mentioned your name, so why would you be mad and me and not want to leave feedback? You're the one who exposed yourself. Nobod knew who wold me this CD until now. Well, all that I have to say to that is..."SURPRISE"!!! I don't know why you're all bent out of shape? Do you? I do know apparently didn't settle this with yourself.
The Lord knows that I don't get on this site and act like a girl and put people on front street. Matter of fact, I tell people all of the time that it's not wise to make moves like that, because it's not coo' nor does it help this community of collectors. Basically we're supposed to be men here and that's bitch move in my book, so I don't do that. Others may think that is a good look for them, but I don't work like that. If I have a problem with a person, I pull them to the side and talk to them like a man. I don't need an audience. The few times that you may have seen me go off on somebody, was because I was defending myself after they tried put me on front street. I never start fights. I finish them. I don't need a crowd and I don't have shit to prove. I'd rather knock niccas out in silence. That way the crowd doesn't know what happened and they can't give a witness statement to the police. I don't want the crowd to pull me off of somebody. I want you to know that you got this ass whoopin'. This way you know what it is the next time I see you. Lol! but true! I rather fuck somebody up and walk away like shit didn't happen.
I don't understand this whole feedback fiasco. What's wrong with asking a person for feedback when the situation was supposed to have been settled? I didn't have hard feeling towards you. Why do you have them for me. We made a settlement amount and agreed upon it, so why are we here? I really don't understand what your problem is. Do you?
I'm not about to justify who I know, who I don't know and all of that bullshit. Besides do you think that a man like myself who's almost 35 year old with kids hangs out on the block everyday with old friends. Especially with other grown men who are focused on the same thing as me...our family's? I see this man when I run into him. I don't keep D-man in my back of my pocket. He ain't paying my bills and I'm not paying his. We're grown. This isn't the early '90's anymore. I'm not fresh out of high school with no life or anything to do. I have responsibilities and he's not one of them. I don't know each and every move that he makes. Nor do I care. We work and go through life just like you. When I do get a chance to run into/see Cuzz, we talk about life, family, old times (including my little sister & him since they used to date each other). We don't talk about music and what's his latest project is. We're real friends, not some Artist and a groupie ass fan. What do you think this is? Shit I go months, sometimes years without seeing old friends.
Moving on to other points that need to be made...
Man, if you bought something and thought that it was one thing, only to find out that it wasn't what you thought it was...That's okay. I understand that. I've done that too. Shit, it happens to the best of us. Why be mad at me? I didn't do it to you.
I created this thread as an opportunity to educated and let my fellow collectors and sellers know what was happening out there. Nothing more nothing less.
Isn't that what this forum is supposed to be about? I swore that it wasn't for bickering, hating on the next man, worrying about the next man nor catching feelings over mistakes that we have no control of. I come here to network, do business, share ideas and information. That's it.
Like you even said:
I already resolved the problem refunding 10$
, so why are we having this discussion? We both agreed. Why am I a rat? I really don't understand you. Man, you must be a lonely tormented soul.
Normally, I would go off on you and calling you a girl, bitch and all types of names for scorn women. I do that to people who act in a hateful and unflattering manner. Especially if someone tries to front on my with no justification. However, I'm really not trippin. I'm not about to waste my time and energy on something that I never took personal in the first place. You shouldn't take it personal either. Take it for what it is. It's simply a lesson to be learned.
I still don't have ill feeling towards you. No, I don't understand your point with all of this riff raff, but I'm not mad at you. I'm just telling you that you need to be pointing your anger in the right direction. That's the person who sold you the CD. Y might even want to point your anger at yourself for putting yourself on display (Like I said...I never mentioned your name. You did). What would be the purpose of me doing something like that? Nothing. I really wish that you nor this situation would've even gotten to this point.
I'm sorry that you feel the way you do, because I'm so not deserving of those feelings that you have shared with the world. I never expected it nor wanted this. Sorry for asking you for feedback. It was supposed to be settled and finished.
I wish you nothing but good luck in the future. Thank you for your time and understanding. Have a good day.
P.S. Don't be so quick to judge a person. I'm not the bad guy that some people want to paint me as.