it was a joke.... no harm intended.... i don't remember why, but i think it was because you said something stupid..... but we all do, like i said, no harm intended
so just cuz it was flashy ....... it sucked ....... mann what are you guys techn9ne stylest........... pretty soon tech iz gonna rise to mainstreem and i cant what till he bumps off all those faggot ass other bitches.............
"califaggot" man you got ballz who tha fucc are you ............... just keep yo mouth shut and click summin eles........ bitch......... and tha other people im talkin about are punks like 50cent , ja rule , jayz who dont even deserve to be on tha radio........ and of some one who's post to be a tech n9ne fann you know that most of his people are from cali ........... u faggot!!!!!!!!
You cant be an artist and not be able to accept the critique. You put this on here so people would give their opinion. You cant get all VAGINA'd out because they did.
Yes, its a good graphic. And No, it is not the correct mood and/or setting for everready.
so just cuz it was flashy ....... it sucked ....... mann what are you guys techn9ne stylest........... pretty soon tech iz gonna rise to mainstreem and i cant what till he bumps off all those faggot ass other bitches.............
You cant be an artist and not be able to accept the critique. You put this on here so people would give their opinion. You cant get all VAGINA'd out because they did.
first off you shut tha fuck up ............ i dont care what yaw think about my skillz its just bein called a cali faggot get me ticked.......... so to all haters................ssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh