•Just do what cho gottah do, añd take it oñe day at ah time mayñe...Añd maybe wheñ you git out, we cañ actually hook-up & shmoke oñe foo!!...our schedualez have beeñ coñflictiñg...
•Aye T-Dogg, you ñeed me tah briñg añythiñg to tha health ceñter for you??...This past week has succed ass for you mañ...I hate wheñ shit happeñz...Guess they do cum iñ three'z, huh...Just git through it, añd doñ't forgit tha lessoñz learñed...
•Farealz mañ, hit me up if you thiñk I cañ help you out...I kñow I doñ't see you much, but I still coñsider you my homie...Añd as tha East Coast would say, "
One Luv, Thuñ..."
just thiñk bacc tah how tight this weekeñd wuz)...