peep this,
for the kiddies that need a lil' history:
Damu History
By late 1971 the Avalon Garden Crips and the Inglewood Crips joined forces with the other crip sets. The Crips began to expand to non-Crip gang territories. The L.A. Brims which began in 1969 on the Westside were a powerful street gang, but they were not Crips, and the Blood alliance had not been established. Several gangs which eventually became part of the Blood family had already existed though.
There were also the Piru Street Boys in Compton, the Bishops, Athens Park Boys and the Denver Lanes. The Pirus, which are Bloods now, actually hung out with the Crips prior to 1972. For a short time they were known as the Piru Street Crips, and they also wore the traditional blue rags (bandana) as part of their attire.
During the summer of 1972, the Crips from Compton, and the Pirus had a conflict, and an all out rumble ensued. The Pirus were out numbered, and the Crips prevailed. The Pirus wanted to terminate peaceful relations with the Crips so they turned to the Lueders Park Hustlers for back-up. They agreed and a meeting was called on Piru Street. The Crips had murdered an L.A. Brim member earlier that year, so the Pirus asked the Brims to attend the meeting too. Others that attended were the Denver Lanes, and the Bishops.
How to combat Crip intimidation was discussed along with the creation of a new alliance to counter the Crips. At that time the color of bandannas was not important, but since the Crips were known to wear blue bandanas, the Pirus and the other groups decided to discontinue the wearing of blue bandannas. They decided to take on the wearing of an opposite color, red, and created a united organization which later became known as the Bloods. The Pirus, Brims, Athens Park Boys, and Pueblos decided to unite with the Bloods, and soon after, other groups who had been threatened or attacked by Crips joined the Bloods.
The United Blood Nation, simply called the Bloods, formed in 1993, within the New York City jail system on Rikers Island's GMDC (George Mochen Detention Center), sometimes called C-73. GMDC was used to segregate problem inmates from the rest of the detention center. Prior to this time period, the Latin Kings were the most prevalent and organized gang in the NYC jail system. The Latin Kings, with mostly Hispanic members, were targeting African American inmates with violence. These African American inmates, organized by some of the more violent and charismatic inmates, formed a protection group which they called the United Blood Nation. This United Blood Nation, which was actually a prison gang, was emulating the Bloods street gangs in Los Angeles, California. Several of the leaders of this recently created prison gang formed eight original Blood sets to recruit in their neighborhoods across New York City. These original sets were: Mad Stone Villains (MSV), Valentine Bloods (VB), Nine Trey Gangsters (NTG), Gangster Killer Bloods (GKB), One Eight Trey (183) Bloods, Hit Squad Brims (HSB), Blood Stone Villains (BSV) and Sex, Money and Murder (SMM).
By 1996, thousands of members of the Blood street gang were establishing themselves as a formidable force among gangs and continued a steady drive for recruitment. At this time, the bloods were more violent than other gangs but much less organized. Numerous slashings (razor blade or knife attacks) were reported during robberies and discovered to be initiations into the Bloods. This Blood in ritual became the trademark for the Bloods. Bloods recruited throughout the East Coast and began spreading their drug networks rapidly. Blood gangs can be found in the New York City area, Upper New York State, New Jersey, Baltimore, Hagerstown, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Connecticut to name a few.
Recently, Blood gangs have become a favorite target of Law Enforcement because of their connection to violence. Bloods will commit violence against other Blood sets and there is no direct Regional or National leadership or connections. According to some sources, East Coast Bloods and West Coast Bloods conducted a series of meetings in 1999 and formed the United Blood Nation as a way to align all Blood gangs as one Nation for the purposes of power and unity. This alleged unification resulted in the Bloods referring to themselves as Damu, a Swahili word synonymous for Blood.
Bloods refer to each other as Dawg (DOGS). They will burn an upside down triangular shape, looking like a dog paw, on their upper arm. The three circular burns, usually from a cigarette, can be found on a member of the bloods. Some Bloods will have a tattoo of a dog, usually a bulldog, like the Mack Truck logo. Bloods will also use the acronym M.O.B. (Member of Blood or MONEY OVER BITCHES) to identify themselves. This can be seen as a burn scar or sometimes a tattoo. The Bloods have recently, in the year 2000, become more involved and connected to their People Nation affiliation.