Crazy people make my day better

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Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
So I work for a psychiatric hospital just filing papers and delivering mail and all that good stuff. They sent me on my morning mail run, and one of the hopsitals I had to go to was the neurotoxicology hospital (drug rehab and mental retardation). So I'm standing on the elevator when the biiiig woman just looks at me, kinda shaking like its crack withdrawal, and goes "Where are you from?"

And I just kind of blankly stare at her like she's crazy and say "I'm from Pittsburgh".

And she goes "Well you look like an Arabian prince to me."

So I tell her I'm Sicilian which is mostly Arabian, African, and Italian and she starts going off on how she's gonna start praying for me, and how she has her angels watching over me and my family throughout the generations and all this stuff.

I mean the lady was clearly crazy but she was nice as fuck and asked me my name and shook my hand and said she would pray for me to find a nice good looking woman.

I guys ever meet any crazy people that scare the fuck out of you at first and then end up making your day?


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
Crazy people are fun to talk to

i remember alot of cats used to kick it at this house with this crazy ass old couple who had like 3 teeth between the 2 of them cuz they smoked hella weed and would buy us beer. the dude would get stoned and start zoning out and saying hella crazy shit. The woman was hella nuts and used to flash people and pee her pants all the time. I'd feel hella trapped in that muthafucka after awhile cuz they wouldn't want you to leave and you would have to wait till one of em had a real psycotic episode and just bolt out of there. I'd feel bad for them though cuz some fools would take advantage of them and rip them off and shit but yeah they were fuckin out of their minds!


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
^^ Yeah man, I remember this one dude named Jamal that we used to kick it with at my mom's apartment complex. He was some late 20's/early 30's dudein a wheelchair, and he'd introduce himself as "Nigga in a Wheelchair". We used to just go over to his place and blow weed and drink, especially since it was so close to my mom's so I could sneak out the bedroom window at night. But I remember we were drivin around one day just blazin and crackin up and I look over and the dude was drunk off his ass and shit himself.


Dec 7, 2005
lol SamTrans from Palo Alto to Downtown Frisco........if u trynna talk to weirdos, hop on 1 of them buses lol, im glad i aint gotta take public transit no more


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Workin in a town that has about 10 psychiatric hospitals right next to each other sucks, because all the homeless people/beggars are pretty much people who have just been released. LOTS of schizophrenics and crack addicts walking around, begging, grabbing at people, and pretty much screaming shit or just punching themselves.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
People like that are entertaining. It's funny tho, she may not be crazy. There's a dude out here where I go to school that's homeless, he's really nice and extremely polite...He talks to himself, yells, cusses, and shit all the time out in the middle of the street and walking throughout town. Now I've talked to him before a little, and the first time I saw him I was in Jack and the Box...I wasn't even in his way, and he has the courtesy to say excuse me like he was getting in my way, when he wasn't, he was just being polite. Now I saw him when I was with my homey last week and we said hello to him and ask him how he was doin....but before we asked him, he was yelling about god, revelation, some chick, and fuck bitch this and that....but he turns to us with a straight face, and says "whussup, how's it goin?"

I could tell right there, dude isn't off his rocker as much as people think he is, if he is at all. Some people are just extremely different and we don't understand them....I've found that a lot of these people are "better people" persay than most Americans.
Apr 25, 2002
there was a woman we called crazy d. she delt various substances and would always have hella teens hanging out at the house. she was fuccin nutz. kids would steal from her all the time, but she obviously didnt care. she would always try to hook the girls and the guys up. my boy robbed her blind one time and we never went back. that was years ago i wonder what she is up to these days. dead or jail with the path she was on.
Apr 7, 2005
the other day I was talking my swisher walk around my area where my job is at, and this homeless dude was at the bus stop up the block. I could tell he was singing or talking, but I couldn't hear what he was sayin until he I got closer. I fuckin' fell out when I saw him, because he was singin' "y'all think I'm crazy. y'all think I'm crazy, yeah that's meeeee!"


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
There was one homeless guy a few years ago that I met named Rockmon. I was with my buddy and we stopped by and talked to him. We asked him his name and sat there shocked like we just did the nicest thing in the world. We ended up sittin there talkin to him for a long time, he told us about his life, his family, how he went to college, flunked out cuz he's an alcoholic, talked about how he doesnt smoke weed anymore cuz he has to stay alert, and he sells plasma for money and reups on plasma by buying peanut butter. He was one of the nicest guys I ever met in my life. Me and my even offered to go buy him a 40 and he said "I know I'm a beggar, but you guys are some of the first people to ever stop and just talk to me, and I can't take your money." So after that whenever we'd see him on the streets we'd just be like "Rockmon!" and he'd give us the heads up.

Haven't seen him in a couple years though..


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
^These are the types of people I'm talkin about in the other thread...Dude may be homeless, and in our society deemed worthless....But he's got integrity and character, and respect. In my book, that's all you really need.

The dude I was talking about above, his name is Kevin...He's like 30-40, black, got some LONG ass dreads....I was in class one day, and people in there had the nerve to call him Predator, like they always do it or some shit, like it's normal to call people fucked up shit besides their name. So being the asshole I am, I spoke up and said, "you do realize he has a fuckin name right?" After they got over the suprise of me saying that, they asked what his name was, but didn't even bother calling him that afterwards.

'Crazy' people are nice because they know what it's like to be alone and have people think you are crazy. People that are normal, just think they aren't crazy and that they are normal, which is probably the craziest thought anyone could have...there is NO normal...just what the majority of what people do, because they are trained to do it...

There's another dude out here where I go to school...he stands on street corners with signs saying "NAZI CWU" (central washington university) and "PORN CWU" and all sorts of other shit....People think he's crazy, and he kind of is, he's on meds but he's not a fucking crack pot...I interviewed him for an article I did 2 1/2 years ago about the county jail....a judge has a restraining order on him, so whenever he goes to court, he's arrested for the violation and then sentenced for that and whatever he's in there for....but I had a real conversation with him and although he was timid (probably cause NOBODY talks to him how I was) he was very polite and we shook hands afterwards.

I think people get caught up in what is "normal" and what isn't. When in reality, there is no normal, and EVERYONE is fucking NUTS in their own way...most people just don't let others see it, some people just don't give a fuck.


Oct 12, 2004
Last time I was in the psych-ward I met some really sincere crazy ppl, one of which had drawing skillz I aint ever seen before. Sad too cuz she was found "mentally insane" by the courts and they singed her over to the state and they put her in a perminant psych-ward for the rest of her life. This lady was hella talented though and one of the most sweetest I've ever met. I was in there over my birthday last October... she gave me one of her drawings. I've never seen someone use so much detail, I really think she could have been something. Her name was Susan and I'll never forget her... she's the only one that gave me something for my 22nd b-day and it truly meant the world to me, especially at that time in my life. It hurts to know she's locked away in one of them wards... I wish I could have taken her in, I would if I could.


Oct 12, 2004
ColdBlooded said:
go visit and become her art dealer
Yeah, I was gonna see where they were gonna send her so I could at least visit her but I was discharged before I could find out. Not just that, but I left a hysterical mess by the way I was treated in there... the mental health professional I had was a fuckin' joke, I can't believe they let ppl like him work in the mental health field, its simply insane! She wanted me to put her stuff up on the internet for ppl to see. I think I might be able to find her though cuz she signed my drawing she gave me. I should track her down and follow through w/ her wishes... I feel its the least I can do for her.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
^ If you need help locating someone, send me a PM. Don't really wanna say how, but if its someone who was placed by the government, all I need is a name...
Jan 23, 2006
i work at a hosptial with a physco wing. i was working that area one day and this fine ass asian girl that was in there(she had to be like 20 something), she comes up to me and says i just took the fattest dump in my life. i started rolling, i even got in trouble by my manager for it. shits hilarious working with people like that