caN we ju$t put thi$ oN the " CLA$$IC ECCR PO$T$" thread??
who a$K$ thi$ kiNd of $hit oN the Net? Not to be a dick but that$ whY there i$ WIKIPEDIA or a $Kool couN$elor, or your mom or pop$, older bro,or aNy homeboy, but whY briNg it oN the Net? U kNow $he aiNt a virgiN bro, grow up, No 17 year old beezie keep$ her leg$ clo$ed till 17 uNle$$ $he$ fugly or hella fat, either way im $upri$ed No oNe ha$ clowNed oN thi$ thread that much, lil homie who po$ted, for hi$ $ake I really do hope he i$ uNder 14 year$ old, real talk....
caN we ju$t put thi$ oN the " CLA$$IC ECCR PO$T$" thread??
who a$K$ thi$ kiNd of $hit oN the Net? Not to be a dick but that$ whY there i$ WIKIPEDIA or a $Kool couN$elor, or your mom or pop$, older bro,or aNy homeboy, but whY briNg it oN the Net? U kNow $he aiNt a virgiN bro, grow up, No 17 year old beezie keep$ her leg$ clo$ed till 17 uNle$$ $he$ fugly or hella fat, either way im $upri$ed No oNe ha$ clowNed oN thi$ thread that much, lil homie who po$ted, for hi$ $ake I really do hope he i$ uNder 14 year$ old, real talk....