So you guys have to come in even though your job must be capable of being done from home? Fuck returning to work just because of rich fuckers real estate investments.
How to qualify for medical exemption from vaccine
, Claim stroke or heart condition, any Dr will sign off with paid appt. Don't have time to research such things when comes to meeting deadline
How to qualify for medical exemption from vaccine
, Claim stroke or heart condition, any Dr will sign off with paid appt. Don't have time to research such things when comes to meeting deadline
My daughter has had COVID 2x now, Nov 2019 and Nov 2021 (she in WA). First time was a customer the second was a co worker who knew they tested positive and came to work anyway. Democratic states be spreading that ish....crazy all the precautions they take /s
Washifas numbers hella outta control compared to Arizona and we don't have mask mandates or none of that ish
My daughter has had COVID 2x now, Nov 2019 and Nov 2021 (she in WA). First time was a customer the second was a co worker who knew they tested positive and came to work anyway. Democratic states be spreading that ish....crazy all the precautions they take /s
Washifas numbers hella outta control compared to Arizona and we don't have mask mandates or none of that ish
Are half of you guys russian trolls or what? we have all been getting vaccinated for years now vaccine mandates for schools are seriously not new. you all probably didn't pass ninth-grade science but have all of the sudden became MeDIcAl ExPERtS in the past few months. I have seen the anti vax protestors if those are your type of people you are some clowns too. COVID is killing a 9/11 worth of americans every 3 days but thats cool