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not working is cool
Jun 13, 2018
Some small town in America
At this point most of the stuff on the mainstream news about Covid-19 is a hoax, that shit is supposed to die out in 97 degrees
It was a hoax since like March lol
people out here with masks that can't even keep smoke out..
idiots buying up toilet paper!
ha ha h aha haaaaaaaaa

Oh yeah only real thing on the news Bill Gates
and his demonic Dr.s are scared corona is fadeing
faster than they can make the vaccine to kill everyone lol..
i can picture bitch ass big gates all mad his evil plan did not work
Props: MobbinINda916


not working is cool
Jun 13, 2018
Some small town in America
there’s no proof that the dead people died from covid 19. the numbers are exaggerated.
they are the news itsself admitted the numbers are fake.
And Dr. and nurses admitted they are actually killing people
when they go in. And they also are paid report every death
as covid 19.. not matter the cause.. so yeah
total hoax
Props: MobbinINda916


Barlito's Way
Feb 8, 2006
they are the news itsself admitted the numbers are fake.
And Dr. and nurses admitted they are actually killing people
when they go in. And they also are paid report every death
as covid 19.. not matter the cause.. so yeah
total hoax
What doctors and nurses have admitted to this? Where are you obtaining your sources from? The tabloids aren’t a credible source you boxed cereal nutt
Props: RemyRoux
Apr 4, 2006
Man this shit has become so politicized to the point I could puke coat hangers...

I mean the facts are that Corona is LESS LETHAL THAN THE COMMON FLU...... It really blows my mind and these fucking idiot democrats are bending the knee to the government which is using Covid as an excuse to oppress them in authoritarian fashion...

I mean do you realize that those that die because of Covid are OLDER than the human life expectancy?? of course most people don't acknowledge or even know that... Unfortunately this virus is lethal to those that are profoundly elderly and those that have compromised immune systems.. Of course that moron De Blasio thought it was a good idea to put A-Symptomatic young people in "retirement homes" and of course these thugs got the old folks sick and proceeded to beat the crap out of them for fun..... What type of person puts young sick people in communities for the elderly? oh right - demoncrats.....

Look, If you dive into this "virus" you will find that it's no worse than the seasonal flu - but like democrats love to say - especially that weirdo Rahm Emmanuel (former Mayor of Chicago) puts it: "Never let a good crisis go to waste"....

Now we have idiots walking around everywhere with masks on their faces ---- because you know "Obey"...

And check this shit out - I NEVER wore a mask, nor do I even consider wearing a mask and I have gone maskless since the alleged "outbreak"...

And look - I'm not denying Covid exists - all I'm saying is that it's no different from the common seasonal flu and the statistics PROVE THAT... And look, if you want to wear a mask then wear one, but just don't blindly believe everything the media tells you - because they're profoundly dishonest...

And I'm not some radical conspiracy theorist as some would attempt to label me for not bending the knee and adhering to government draconian illegal mandates - hell no - I look at the science and the statistics and all data involved and all the data shows that this is SLIGHTLY a bit worse than the common seasonal flu, yet it's being treated as Ebola or something.... As a liberty minded individual it's really shocking to see people say insane stuff like "I'm just following orders" - you know who else was "just following orders"??? do we need a history lesson? and the only reason why I brought that up was because I wen't to the gas station and I got called out for NOT wearing a mask.....

Look, if you don't want to wear a mask then don't but I hope these silly ass fools that do wear masks understand that those masks are NOT designed to keep you safe - they're designed to ensure you don't infect other people - not only that but it has been PROVEN that masks don't even fucking work - and depending on the mask it could make it even WORSE than if you weren't wearing one....

And like I said - if you prefer to wear a mask then that is cool, but don't judge those that refuse to wear one.... Trust me kids, I've done my homework on Covid and it's a bunch of nonsense - and like I pointed out earlier in this post I have NEVER worn a mask unless I was forced to... I mean if certain establishments insist I will just wear the fucking thing because I don't want to start shit and I will be out of the joint in like 5 minutes anyways, lol - so yea I'm generally an individual that stands on principle but I can tolerate authoritarian loonybin hysteria for 5 minutes...

As far as the government - look these democrat authoritarian states are NOT going to give up their new found excuse to punish people and dictate behavior and I have said that since the whole "slow the spread, 2 weeks" bullshit, and guess what? I have filed a class action lawsuit against the ... Well a lot of people in the state of Illinois government .... And I'm not a litigious person, but as a libertarian/civil anarchist - you bet your ass I'm getting all up in Illinois ass.... Oh and I only wish I lived in Crook County because I would sue the shit out of that alien ET looking lesbian bitch Laurie Lightfoot .... Her city is burning and she's just prancing along like some privileged delusional prick while Antifa is attacking people at random she's like "oh if you come on my block you will be arrested" - never mind her whole excuse for a "haircut".... I mean the bitch looks like an alien with an afro - you don't need a haircut ho - what you need goes way beyond our present technology, lol...

Sorry for this rant but I'm just so sick of the authoritarianism that comes with Covid, and if you want my opinion the social authoritarianism is by far way more toxic than Covid will ever be...

And if anyone wants to talk about the science and statistics behind this nonsense called Covid- I'm down.... I just had to get this gripe off my chest because it's pissing me off..... Not only that but there are a lot of good looking women out there and I want to see their faces - not a fuccing mask, lol...

So yea, if you disagree with me that is fine and we can get into the science if you would like but that's how I feel about the direction our society is going due to Covid.
Props: Thizzlejuice