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May 7, 2013
Another Pig Gets A Pass

Local charges against Ray Tensing dismissed with prejudice
Former University of Cincinnati officer charged with murder

Local charges against former University of Cincinnati officer Ray Tensing were dismissed with prejudice during a hearing Monday.

Tensing, charged with murder and voluntary manslaughter in the shooting death of unarmed motorist Sam DuBose, was tried twice in Hamilton County. Both trials ended with hung juries.

Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters announced last week that he will not try Tensing a third time. Tensing cannot be tried again by the state of Ohio in the case.

"Based on my conversations with jurors, I was always told by many of them that there would never be a unanimous decision," Defense attorney Stew Mathews said. "The jurors in this case were extremely attentive. They were divided on racial lines. I don't think that's any secret, at least it wasn't any secret when I talked to the jurors that participated. I think that's America today."

Tensing declined to comment as he left the court room.

"He's relieved, but the Department of Justice investigation potential is still out there. He's concerned about it," Defense attorney Stew Mathews said.

The U.S. Attorney's office says it is reviewing evidence from the trials to determine if an investigation is warranted into possible federal civil rights violations.

The decision has sparked demonstrations on both sides of the case.

A "Rally for Justice for Sam DuBose" was held Saturday.

A "Tensing Proud Vigil" to support Ray Tensing and his family is set for tonight at 6 p.m. on the Purple People Bridge and Black Lives Matter and other groups are expected to hold a counter-protest.
May 4, 2002
Another Pig Gets A Pass

Local charges against Ray Tensing dismissed with prejudice
Former University of Cincinnati officer charged with murder

Local charges against former University of Cincinnati officer Ray Tensing were dismissed with prejudice during a hearing Monday.

Tensing, charged with murder and voluntary manslaughter in the shooting death of unarmed motorist Sam DuBose, was tried twice in Hamilton County. Both trials ended with hung juries.

Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters announced last week that he will not try Tensing a third time. Tensing cannot be tried again by the state of Ohio in the case.

"Based on my conversations with jurors, I was always told by many of them that there would never be a unanimous decision," Defense attorney Stew Mathews said. "The jurors in this case were extremely attentive. They were divided on racial lines. I don't think that's any secret, at least it wasn't any secret when I talked to the jurors that participated. I think that's America today."

Tensing declined to comment as he left the court room.

"He's relieved, but the Department of Justice investigation potential is still out there. He's concerned about it," Defense attorney Stew Mathews said.

The U.S. Attorney's office says it is reviewing evidence from the trials to determine if an investigation is warranted into possible federal civil rights violations.

The decision has sparked demonstrations on both sides of the case.

A "Rally for Justice for Sam DuBose" was held Saturday.

A "Tensing Proud Vigil" to support Ray Tensing and his family is set for tonight at 6 p.m. on the Purple People Bridge and Black Lives Matter and other groups are expected to hold a counter-protest.
just watched the whole video and wtf.

cops are shady as fuck.
Jan 31, 2008
(Warning : Huffington Post Article)
WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump received applause on Friday when he endorsed police brutality while delivering a speech to law enforcement officers on Long Island, New York.

The president suggested that officers should hit suspects’ heads on the doors of their police cars.

“When you see these towns and when you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just see them thrown in, rough, and I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice,’” Trump said.

“Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over, like, don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head, I said, ‘You can take the hand away, OK?’” he added.

His remarks received significant applause.

Trump also made the dubious claim that laws were “horrendously stacked” against police officers and said he wants to change those laws.

“For years and years, [laws have] been made to protect the criminal,” Trump said. “Totally protect the criminal, not the officers. You do something wrong, you’re in more jeopardy than they are. These laws are stacked against you. We’re changing those laws.”

Donald Trump Endorses Police Brutality In Speech To Cops | HuffPost
May 7, 2013