Cool Nutz "Young Obama" Album Coming Soon

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Oct 28, 2005
^^^trust me, nobody likes that clown other than wiggers and uncle toms like you.
Are you daft, sir? Racism, in a thread about an album meant to promote harmony among the races.....????? What kind of nonsense are you on?

And aren't you white yourself? What kind of bullshit are you on, where you have a few black friends, and think that gives you the right to make racist comments?
Oct 28, 2005
^^ That doesn't make any sense. Nutz primarily tours in the NorthWest. it makes no sense to record songs that would become a logistical nightmare to put the machine behind.

Besides, people don't buy albums any more based on big name features. People download songs based on big name features. That's 2008 for you.

^^^No, Thomas, I'm not white so you can quit trying to be like me now.
You're not black either, so you're still a gay. As for you thinking anyone wants to be like you.....Be like a loser? For why? What have you done with your life in the past 5 years?

BTW....idiot....An Uncle Tom is not a Mulatto raised by a single White mother in a city full of White people. An Uncle Tom is someone raised by Black parents in Black neighborhoods, sent to Black schools, surrounded with Black people their entire life, that once they grow up....reject Black culture in favor of White Culture.

Pick up a fucking book. Or stop hanging around people that aren't your people, thinking it makes you legit. You're not. You'll never be.
Jun 27, 2005
^^ That doesn't make any sense. Nutz primarily tours in the NorthWest. it makes no sense to record songs that would become a logistical nightmare to put the machine behind.

Besides, people don't buy albums any more based on big name features. People download songs based on big name features. That's 2008 for you.

You're not black either, so you're still a gay. As for you thinking anyone wants to be like you.....Be like a loser? For why? What have you done with your life in the past 5 years?

BTW....idiot....An Uncle Tom is not a Mulatto raised by a single White mother in a city full of White people. An Uncle Tom is someone raised by Black parents in Black neighborhoods, sent to Black schools, surrounded with Black people their entire life, that once they grow up....reject Black culture in favor of White Culture.

Pick up a fucking book. Or stop hanging around people that aren't your people, thinking it makes you legit. You're not. You'll never be.

lol, you don't know what race I am but that's not the issue here. everybody knows you're black (mulatto, whatever - you're black, get over it) and starved for white acceptance. You're a fuckin republican for God's sake!

Skinny people are dope. So are White people.
You call me a loser yet you have so few friends that you frequent a site where nobody but the wigger rapper likes you just to get some type of fuckin attention.
Aug 15, 2008
Unfortunately we got off of track with this post but anyway COOL NUTZ CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR UPCOMING PROJECT, I WISH YOU MUCH SUCCESS BRUH. I'M FROM SEATTLE (2600 Block, East Union) BUT I'm working out of ATLANTA for now. YOU SHOULD COME DOWN HERE FOR A SHOW.