College: Where do you go?

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May 8, 2002

UCSB is sooo tight... u should go check it out poetic... if u like the ocean u will be so happy there.. plus the partying is great... i go to SBCC in Santa Barbara... hope to transfer to UCSB in the fall.. got a 3.65 GPA
May 2, 2002
graduated college already with a degree in fire technology... .

i decided that i dont want to be a firefighter anymore, because now with most departments you have to be a paramedic, and i'm not tryin to do that. i think if you want to be a firefighter you should specialize in exactly that... fighting fire.

right now i work in construction as a laborer, but will be changing unions to learn a trade. i have to go to apprentice school for 4 years, and when i'm finished with that, i will have another associates degree in mechanical engineering.. .

Apr 25, 2002
Re: SB!!

PorterLife said:
UCSB is sooo tight... u should go check it out poetic... if u like the ocean u will be so happy there.. plus the partying is great... i go to SBCC in Santa Barbara... hope to transfer to UCSB in the fall.. got a 3.65 GPA
I've been's so beautiful. Isla Vista isn't a bad party town either......not that I would party or anything. I hope you get there this fall!
Apr 26, 2002
I goto USC on an academic scholarship. About to start my fourth of five years. Studying Civil Engineering / Construction Management, with a 3.62 Cum. GPA. I could get higher if I tried more, but I'm involved in a lot of shit and like to have a social life so I don't take grades seriously. I'm working for the Port of SF right now making good money, and hope to get a job with Turner Construction once school starts this semester. Plan on going to Grad school at Cal once I graduate.
Apr 26, 2002
I goto USC on an academic scholarship. About to start my fourth of five years. Studying Civil Engineering / Construction Management, with a 3.62 Cum. GPA. I could get higher if I tried more, but I'm involved in a lot of shit and like to have a social life so I don't take grades seriously. I'm working for the Port of SF right now making good money, and hope to get a job with Turner Construction once school starts this semester. Plan on going to Grad school at Cal once I graduate.
Jun 29, 2002
I graduated with my BAE in music, I had a 3.7 GPA and I went to schoo0l in a shitty little town called Cheney at Eastern Washington University. Great programs shitty area
May 2, 2002
Cheeze said:
I goto USC on an academic scholarship. About to start my fourth of five years. Studying Civil Engineering / Construction Management, with a 3.62 Cum. GPA. I could get higher if I tried more, but I'm involved in a lot of shit and like to have a social life so I don't take grades seriously. I'm working for the Port of SF right now making good money, and hope to get a job with Turner Construction once school starts this semester. Plan on going to Grad school at Cal once I graduate.
just out of curiousity... how old are you dogg?

my old man is on the management side of construction. i feel like i'm too old to get into that now, like i'd almost be going backwards.... i also enjoy the physical work. however, there is some money to be made in construction, but much more on the management side of things.. .

why turner construction? .. . have you done any internships?

Apr 26, 2002
-im in my 3rd year @ SFSU-->a double major in Design and industry --- la raza studies

--i believe you need a 2.5 average and meet all the high school requirements as well as a S.A.T. score<-i dont think the score matters @ a state school you just need it
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA
Computer Science School, Quantico, VA (military)
Sac City College - Major: Music...Minor: Business
Heald - Computer Science
I expect to be enrolling in either UC Davis or CSUS later this year. I want to major in Anthropology.
Apr 26, 2002

I'll be 22 this October. A project manager, which I eventually want to do, makes good money. I worked as a laborer for a few summers, this summer I am working an internship for the city of SF. I want to get an internship / part time job with Turner once school starts. I've met the owner of the company before, and know people who work there. Turner does a lot of recruiting from USC. It would be the easiest large construction company for me to get a job with while I'm in school. I want to be working and learning as much as I can during school so once I graduate I will have the experience to make some real money, for whatever company is best for me.
Construction Management kinda just landed on me. Always had an interest, but I started out wanting to be an architect. I soon realized architecture makes no money, so I got into civil engineering, and then into construction management.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Deep Thought...

Isn't Quantico a big deal for some reason? Like schooling or government or some shit like that? I just remember hearing somethin about it.
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA
Well both the FBI and Marine OTS (Offficer Training Scool) also train there. Pretty much any media story and or movie involving either of these two makes at least once reference to "Quantico." The X-Files did it all the time.
May 3, 2002
I am enrolled at the University of Utah, but I dont take clases in the summer. I dont know what my major is and I have been going for three years, I dont even know why I am going. I probably wouldnt be going if my parents were not paying my tuition. I need to get my gpa up before I decide on a major.
May 2, 2002

was just curious. my old man is a senior superintendent for one of the largest construction companies in the world.. .


Cheeze said:

I'll be 22 this October. A project manager, which I eventually want to do, makes good money. I worked as a laborer for a few summers, this summer I am working an internship for the city of SF. I want to get an internship / part time job with Turner once school starts. I've met the owner of the company before, and know people who work there. Turner does a lot of recruiting from USC. It would be the easiest large construction company for me to get a job with while I'm in school. I want to be working and learning as much as I can during school so once I graduate I will have the experience to make some real money, for whatever company is best for me.
Construction Management kinda just landed on me. Always had an interest, but I started out wanting to be an architect. I soon realized architecture makes no money, so I got into civil engineering, and then into construction management.