Thats a lie, you're being racist too.
why do you only see reverse racism ?
this country was founded on rich white men not wanting to pay taxes,slavery, and manifest destiny (white supermecy)
Rich people pay most of the taxes in this country, thats not good enough for liberals though. Now they want rich people to pay more(% wise) then anyone else...
Thats wrong. Why should someone who makes a lot of money have to pay a larger % then you or me?
why not ? it takes money to survive as a nation ,you just don't get it you think with your heart not money :cheeky:
You have liberal, progressive liberal, democrat etc.. You just cant say "I'm a leftist" what does that actually mean? Hillary Clinton is a leftest but Nancy Pelosi makes Hillary look conservative.
Nancy Pelosi doesn't like me having guns , guns are need to protect us from tyranny , fuck her
I'm not blaming you personally, I'm blaming your limited understanding of how things work. I'm blaming you for accepting liberal propaganda as truth.
what liberal propaganda ? im sayin obama is not a communist and he's still carrying out bush's policy over seas and at home with the patriot act ? that sounds fascist, isn't that on the extreme right ?
These people are exploiting how little you know in order to brainwash you. I
cant say republicans are any better but they certainly wont try and manipulate you with blatant lies.
democrats and republicans are the same , they are loyaly opposed to each other to controle you
Obama is a fucking liar who is hated by both the left and the right. The only people who still love him are the socialists and retarded fools who have no idea whats going on and have limited understanding of how things actually work.
i was being sarcastic , i hate him and i hate you
god bless you