Yes... dogs aren't people. never said they were. Thats cool if you value peoples life more but it doesn't change what he did or make it right.
As far as Im concerned Vic is a piece of shit and deserves worse. You can pay your dues but it will never change what you did, and like I said before some stuff is just unforgivable.
Seriously? did you just say the system turns a blind eye to children being gang raped and killed? :ermm:
Listen fam, I could see if you said raping and eating a baby is unforgivable. I could see if you said robbing an old lady and pissing on her while she is down is unforgivable. However, I can't say killing in animal in the way he did is unforgivable. You have muthafuckas clubbing baby seals and shit, you have fools poaching endangered animals, you have fools having sex with animals. It's far worse shit going on than Vick drowning a dog. I'm not saying what he did was right, I'm just saying that there is far worse shit going on in the animal kingdom than Vick drowning a dog.
And the system does turn a blind eye to children being raped and killed. There have been plenty of children who slipped through the cracks because the shit was never reported, or it iwas reported and no one believed it. Look at that one girl who was recently rescued like last year and shit. Fools had been telling the social worker that children where there and they never looked. This fool and his wife had the girl locked up for 15 fuckin years and shit. And then look at tthe nut who blew up his house with the kids. This fool had child porn and shit, and the people had the write ups on this fool just sittin' on their desk, too lazy to read the shit. Then this fool decides to off his kids like he did his wife, and when the lady said the house smelled like gas and to send the police, the fuckin dispatch says they only send the police when it's an emergency.
So nah, we have more serious shit to worry about then Vick and Dogs and CB and the broad he slapped up. And like I said, she was clockin that fool with high heels. I don't know where you're from but my momma hit my ass with a high heel before and that shit hurt lol.