Atari - The kung fu game, haha that shit was classic.
NES - The best games I remember playing. All time favorites: Contra, Jackal - this was my shit, Bubble Bubble, Mario - classic, Metal Gear, Metroid. Bomberman, Megaman, Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania, double dragon.
SNES - Street Fighter, Contra, Super Mario - all damn day. Same as abover with with "super" in front of the titles. Zelda.
PSX - Contra, Loaded, Street Fighter Alpha, Resident Evil - that new shit, scared the shit outta me. RPG shit Breath of Fire 3/4, FF 7, Chrono trigger/cross.
Xbox - Ninja Gaiden
PS2 - Resident Evil games - the mine dart gun is absolutely genius, dopest weapon.