Christpher Dorner

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not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
the house wasnt on fire that long tho?
Bodies can be burnt beyond recognition fairly quickly depending where they are located and how hot the fire was. I'm not sure how long the fire was going for seeing I was out. Does anyone know around how long the place was in flames? It seemed like for awhile from the reports I saw but who knows.

And yeah tear gas cans can cause fires and have before. I'm not buying that though at all. Especially with the audio provided that you can clearly hear cops saying "get the gas" and "burn it down."

I get what you were getting at with your first question but it is possible to take awhile to identify a body. I'm not really buying that they still can't get in there though at all.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
they told all the news reporters to stop taking close ups of the fire because they didnt want to get caught setting a fire to burn him alive

now that we hear they purposely set a fire then gave fake reports of why they think there was a fire, talkin about they heard ammo go off, a gun shot before the fire, dont trust ANYTHING the police say about this shit, they are really desperate right now.

theres alot of funny shit going on with this..

i wouldnt doubt hes in a basement posted right now. or if there IS a exit in the basement, hes gone... how come the police didnt have floor plans of the cabin? they had days to get it.

theyre gonna have to give us someone else besides these lying ass LA police to prove whats going on with this situation. theres been alot of corruption and lying even involved with this manhunt. making them look even worse.

im not spreading reports of anything dorner related that comes from the word of a cop, again. they want him so bad theres a feeling of serious desperation in all of this
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May 4, 2002
So wait, a highly trained vet kidnaped 2 people for days and they somehow escaped?

The news said no one was renting or at the cabin at this time, so how does one kidnap the owners/renters when no one should be there, as stated by the news?

I was watching the news interview when the bitch was saying they can't confirm there's a body inside but the officer didnt see anyone leave. The reporters kept askin her About the body and she was getting hella pissed.

FTP I hope this knocks these lapd faggots down a few notches.
May 14, 2002
Bodies can be burnt beyond recognition fairly quickly depending where they are located and how hot the fire was.
I have witnessed several funeral pyres and you need hella loads of wood stacked really compact with the body in the middle, with these high temperatures it still takes over an hour to become unrecognisable about 3 hours for the body to completely burned except for the skull and spine and maybe some other bones.

I don't think he would have been burned beyond recognition, but it's still possible if he was in the wrong corner of the house but I doubt it.

Everybody should call in hella bogus tips (anonymously) about his whereabouts to throw off the police and give them extra work. They have to investigate them all.
Props: Gemini
May 14, 2002
Lol I'm sorry but again I have to lol at your comment.

Flames on skin = death within mins. It's doesn't take long to burn to death.

Now a DNA test will take time, but being killed by a fire is quick.
why sorry? lol

the fire (as I know) was quite weak, I say it's quite possible not to be burned beyond recognition. Because it takes a lot of heat. And from what I've seen from the fire it was not that strong, but I was not there. So who knows!?
Props: Gemini
May 6, 2009
now do u guys see wut i was talking bout,...shit dosent seem right,.i think his aquaintance was the owners kid who called in to say there is a basement down there with an escape route!..i dont think he would of hurt the kid and prolly was cool with him and the kid in order to live,just went along and helped him escape,..they say he shot 2 more officers for all we know he could of fired a fake shot and left somebody elses body he shot and bounced out to throw them off,sombody dead we dont know about yet,..then after he left,the kid made the call,..maybe he told the kid to call only cnn cuz he knew they would report sum bullshit lies about him that later will help get him off! reverse psychology!..after all ,his actions have been planned out so far,...the cops need to come up with something quick if there really isnt a body or "his body" in there and if sumone opened there mouth and fucked up too soon! they need damage control!..its like u guys said,how long does it take to go in and get the body,,fire fighters go in during blazing infernos to save people all the time!..this was a small cabin fire,..seemed also kind of controlled for being up in the woods,i hardly saw any red and whites!,..u would think there would be a gang of fighters on there way up there like they always do just in case!..i dunno,if they havent said anything by now,then i still think something is going on,..or isnt right!..maybe the cops made that fake gun shot!....i dont think he shot himself,too much planning to go out that easy!..i think he got away and they are keeping it hush and had to make that shit up to not make them selves look bad!

dam,this is like the ap.9 situation,...somebody be bullshittin to the media! lol
Wow. You need to lay off the magic mushrooms buddy lol
Props: Rossibreath


triple og from the sbp
Sep 1, 2005
The cabin was burning for like an hour. I don't think it would take much more than 5 minutes to burn someone unrecognizable. Start your face on fire for five minutes once and look in the mirror.


triple og from the sbp
Sep 1, 2005
I think he let us down. The cops owned him. It's pretty cool to me that he didn't kill any of the civilians he kidnapped. Like the dude who's boat he stole and the couple who he hostaged over the weekend. I kinda think there's a lot of dumb comments in here over everybody's dissapointment in him losing right away haha.
Props: Jaysav


Oct 25, 2011
I think he let us down. The cops owned him. It's pretty cool to me that he didn't kill any of the civilians he kidnapped. Like the dude who's boat he stole and the couple who he hostaged over the weekend. I kinda think there's a lot of dumb comments in here over everybody's dissapointment in him losing right away haha.

I have yet to hear or see of any of these 'hostages' breh