Christian Fanatics vs. Half-assed Christians

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May 13, 2002
I’ve been thinking lately about Christians in general and I came to the conclusion that there are basically two different categories. One group is the Christian “fanatics”. These people believe every little detail in the bible and live their lives as the bible instructs them to, trying to become the perfect Christian. There are no other possible answers in life other then what arrives from the teachings of Christianity. All other theories are absolutely incorrect and the fanatic will use every possible defense mechanism available to dismiss or deny any one who claims other wise, regardless of how persuasive their evidence may be.

The other group is the Half-assed Christian. These are the people who casually pick and choose which parts of the bible they want to believe and dismiss other parts as nothing more then simple metaphors. They may believe in Evolution or some other theory that the fanatic would completely dismiss as pure blasphemous. These people rarely go to church or read the bible and they live their life in a not-so-Christian manner and yet they still claim to be Christians and say they believe in God and Jesus but they don’t really understand why they do. Most of them were raised by parents who were also Christians, and this is likely the only true reason why they are Christians now. You see, Half-Assed Christians cannot think for themselves. If their parents happened to be Buddhist or perhaps Muslim, then they themselves would be Muslim or Buddhist. They have merely came to the conclusion that Christianity is the only true belief only because they were told it is the answer.

Before, I used to get very annoyed with the Fanatic. I thought that they were the ones who were unintelligent. But now that has shifted and I realize that it is the Half-Assed Christian who is the fool. The fanatic at least “goes all out”. If you’re going to believe in something, especially as important as religion, you shouldn’t be half-assed about it. You either believe in something or you don’t, there is no in-between. This half-assed approach is very common amongst Siccness members. A perfect example is Mcleanhatch. You may find him quote the bible every now and then only when it is an advantage to him. This is documented on a recent “Gay-Marriage” thread. But if you closely examine Mcleanhatch, you will notice that he avoids certain threads. Certain topics such as Jesus and today’s “War on Terrorism”.

There are however a few religious fanatics on this board. A perfect example would be Miggidy. He never once has questioned his beliefs or any section of his bible. Never has he backed down to an argument. And because of this, I give Miggidy much more props then I ever would to the Half-Assed Christian. If you’re going to believe in something, you have to go all out.
Jul 24, 2002
I never looked at myself as a religious fanatic.
But if a religious fanatic is a person who believes in his religion 100% then if the shoe fits. It fits.

What you said can be applied to all religions bro.
And in many aspects of life.
You're either into it or you're not.
Take the US Constitution for example, what good does it do if you're going to amend it?

Funny that you mention this 2-0,
In the book of Revelation, Jesus warned "look warm" Christians that they are walking on a thin line.
Yet they don't listen.
He also warns them that they will be judged according to how much they know. Meaning that a person who has a broad knowledge of the bible will be given less or no slack.
Yet look at them, hypocrites....

It pisses me off man....
These so-called Christians who supported the war in Iraq.
For God's sake even the "evil" Pope was against it.

Like Michael Moore said, You know your time is up when both the Pope and the Dixie Chicks are against you....
Mar 18, 2003
I don't want to say that I am a half assed Christian because I don't claim to be a "Christian" at all. Also, I don't pick and choose out of the Bible what I believe is right or wrong; most of what I do that is against the Bible I know is wrong, and I don't try to justify my actions so that I can rest better at night. I live day by day knowing that I will stray from my rightous path because I am surrounded by so much turmoil and pain.

I know you don't believe in a higher power, 2-0-Sixx, but somewhere along the line, with evolution, the big bang theory, space, and untimatley nothing, you have to question yourself of it's (anything and nothing) very existance. The most ligical answer, or counter question, is where did God come from. But to me that only adds to the evidence of God's existance. Keep studying history, go on and on and on, and when you reach the end, there will always be something, something that is going to draw your atheism to a halt, for you can't explain how such a reality was manifested.
May 13, 2002
Yeah, I know it is also true with other religions, I just used Christianity simply because the overwhelming Siccness population is Christian.
This guy that works in the same building as I do has a bumper sticker on his car that says, “When Jesus said ‘Love thy neighbor’ [or enemy I cant remember], I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean kill them” When I first saw that it really sunk in and I realized that 99% of Christians in America are fucking hypocrites. It just doesn’t make sense to me how one can put all of their trust in something like Christianity, but then live their lives completely opposite of what Jesus supposedly taught.
May 13, 2002
Damn Nitro, pick a thread!

“I don't want to say that I am a half assed Christian because I don't claim to be a "Christian" at all. Also, I don't pick and choose out of the Bible what I believe is right or wrong; most of what I do that is against the Bible I know is wrong, and I don't try to justify my actions so that I can rest better at night. I live day by day knowing that I will stray from my rightous path because I am surrounded by so much turmoil and pain.”

”I know you don't believe in a higher power, but somewhere along the line, with evolution, the big bang theory, space, and untimatley nothing, you have to question yourself of it's very existance. The most ligical answer, or counter question, is where did God come from. But to me that only adds to the evidence of God's existance. Keep studying history, go on and on and on, and when you reach the end, there will always be something, something that is going to draw your atheism to a halt, for you can't explain how such a reality was manifested.”

That’s a pretty bold statement you make about my Atheism coming to a halt. Why didn’t it come to a halt for millions of other Atheists?
First off my Atheism has nothing to do with this thread and second my Atheism and my lack of a belief simply comes from lack of evidence. Remember, Atheism means “a lack of belief in the existence of God”. I believe that Logic and Reason are the only methods of acquiring truth. These same methods have been used to completely discredit Christianity (please, lets not get into the details on this thread) and almost every other religion out there. With Christianity debunked, why would one believe in the Christian god? Unless new evidence is revealed that proves there is a god, I will remain Atheist. Just as Evolution has yet to be proven false, I stand by this theory.
Nitro, if you believe in god but do not follow any religion such as Christianity, you’re more of an Agnostic then anything else. If you believe in the Christian god and the teachings of Jesus, but do not consider yourself a Christian, you’re a half-assed Christian. If you believe in the Christian god, the teachings of Jesus, everything in the bible and attempt to live your life according to the bible, you’re a Christian fanatic.


Apr 25, 2002
I knew this thread was coming.

@2-0-6 you said:

"if you believe in god but do not follow any religion such as Christianity, you’re more of an Agnostic then anything else. If you believe in the Christian god and the teachings of Jesus, but do not consider yourself a Christian, you’re a half-assed Christian. If you believe in the Christian god, the teachings of Jesus, everything in the bible and attempt to live your life according to the bible, you’re a Christian fanatic."

Your statement needs clarification. Can you please define "the Christian god" *AND* "the teachings of Jesus"? After you do that I'll explain which one I am because to be honest I'm not a christian and I don't believe in what my parents believe in. I've yet to join a church, I've never been baptized...

*MY* "experience" or "relationship" has NOTHING to do with ANYONE except for :HGK:.

"the overwhelming Siccness population is Christian."

I seriously doubt that.


PS You make threads/posts like this for a reason bro. One day you'll stop me.
May 13, 2002
HERESY said:

PS You make threads/posts like this for a reason bro. One day you'll stop me.
The reason is because I see a most Christians living a lie. I haven’t started kicking yet.

Your statement needs clarification. Can you please define "the Christian god" *AND* "the teachings of Jesus"? After you do that I'll explain which one I am because to be honest I'm not a christian and I don't believe in what my parents believe in. I've yet to join a church, I've never been baptized...
You’re an interesting character HERESY. To be honest, I have a tough time placing you in either category, maybe I need to make a third…but for now, I think if I had to choose you would be placed in the “Fanatics” section. Remember, this topic was mainly aimed at “Christians”, but like Miggidy pointed out it can apply to most all religions. Maybe I should have been a bit more clear, but what I was mainly talking about is the typical American Christian, they don’t have anything to do with your beliefs…yours seem to be much more “chaotic”. Miggidy’s beliefs seem to fit the Christianity that I’m talking about. From what I’ve read from your previous discussions with Miggidy, you two seem to disagree on a lot of things.

the overwhelming Siccness population is Christian."

I seriously doubt that.

Without a doubt in my mind, I believe the majority of the Siccness is Christian.
Jul 7, 2002
i'm with nitro, on this thread, and only this thread ... SomeOne must be playing in the background. If you want a fact 20sixx, we are going to have to wait.
Mar 18, 2003
Nitro the Guru said:
Nitro, if you believe in god but do not follow any religion such as Christianity, you’re more of an Agnostic then anything else. If you believe in the Christian god and the teachings of Jesus, but do not consider yourself a Christian, you’re a half-assed Christian. If you believe in the Christian god, the teachings of Jesus, everything in the bible and attempt to live your life according to the bible, you’re a Christian fanatic.
I don't think thats really true. I'm not questioning the presence of God, I'm questioning the validity and credibility of all the different religions in this world. People follow these religions because they were taught to believe them, not because they formed their own assessments through research and study. That is why you will often hit an "I don't know" if you ask one of these people to many questions. I on the other hand, refuse to follow in the footsteps of my mother and father who tried raising me in a baptist church; not because I didn't believe what they were teaching me, but because at a young age I began to question why there were so many religions. It's one thing to ponder the existance of God, but it is another to pick a religion based on some bullshit. For example, Mormons believe that Jesus Christ was a slaughterer, or murderer if you will, who rumbled 16 cities with his return killing countless thousands. What is this based on? One of several different bibles? I know there is a god, for that I am not an agnostic, but I am not going to play follow the leader in my life time. I'll make my own peace with God, and perhaps attend church if I can find one that suits my interests.
Dec 25, 2003
Yea 206 there are Christians who don't follow the Old Testament, and oly the words of Jesus, and discount the letters and extraneous utterings of the New Testament.

There are those who distrust much of the new testament, etc. Christianity is way too large a religion, with too many sects and offshoots, to fit into two categories. In any case, you could take the teachings of Jesus down to a science without putting a "Christian" label on it.

If you look at it in a certain light, Gandhi lived a more Christlike life than most of us, including many of us Christians. Would he go to heaven, by Christian standards? Will he be sent to Hell simply for not believing in Jesus?

You could take multiple views on could say Jesus/God is/was as rigid with the application of the meaning of their teachings as science books state formulas, or you could say the intent of the teachings of Jesus was a figurative or interpretive example.

Let's say your name is Im'Buuat and you live in the Congo. You never hear of Jesus, but you love those around you, give to those in need, and put others before yourself. Do you go to heaven? You could live a life closer to Christianity than any Christian and never claim to know or know of Jesus...

Does a simple declaration of your belief in Jesus save you? Or do you have to do instead of say? There are a million ways to interpret the Bible. I wouldn't say you have to agree with every bible passage to be a fanatic...what to put in the "bible" was decided by men. Also, I think you can take the teachings of Jesus to heart without being a half-assed Christian.

Regardless of what you see in everyday life, Christianity is all about serving, loving, and helping others. It is not about what you say, but what you do. So in my opinion, you can be more Christian than a Christian, without being a Christian.

"Preach Christ, and if necessary, use words." - Mother Theresa
Mar 18, 2003
Let's say your name is Im'Buuat and you live in the Congo. You never hear of Jesus, but you love those around you, give to those in need, and put others before yourself. Do you go to heaven?
That is some serious shit, and something I think about regularly. It is also a reason why I don't jump into a religious practice of any kind. There are people who worship multiple gods -- as I'm continuing from my last post, they do so because that is how they were raised -- they were born into believing that is the way the world was created. They didn't have a choice in their upbringing. Right now, some man in a distant land is looking at christianity and laughing whole heartidly as if we are worshiping a tree. Who's to say he is wrong? And more importantly, who's to say we are right? There are far to many variables in our generation to come to the right conclusion. When this Bible was written, the chances are there were not dozens of different Gods to be worshiped; you either believed in Jesus or you didn't (correct me if I'm wrong). I do not believe God would hold a child, deprived of Jesus, accountable for his faith. I do not think it is so far fetched that God be a reasonable person, one who has understanding of the world we live in today, one which is far different then the days of Jesus; now we have such turmoil surrounding our direction to heaven. One thing is clear, to me at least, and that is the existance of a higher power. I know it is true, my evidence is as clear as crystal. The fact that I can sit here, be an intelect, and type out this post on a computer that I built, to discuss how and why we are here, is all the evidence I will ever need.
May 13, 2002
nefar559 said:
i'm with nitro, on this thread, and only this thread ... SomeOne must be playing in the background. If you want a fact 20sixx, we are going to have to wait.
Comrade, did you read what I wrote or did you fail to comprehend it? This thread has nothing to do with if or not “Some one is playing in the background”. The point is to show that basically there are two groups of Christians: the ones that go all out and practice their religion, or the ones that casually believe. I know Miggidy understands what I’m saying here. You have all of these Christians, who for example, support the war in Iraq. How is this Christian? Would Jesus support the war? “It pisses me off man....These so-called Christians who supported the war in Iraq. For God's sake even the "evil" Pope was against it.”

Regardless of what you see in everyday life, Christianity is all about serving, loving, and helping others. It is not about what you say, but what you do. So in my opinion, you can be more Christian than a Christian, without being a Christian.

"Preach Christ, and if necessary, use words." - Mother Theresa
That’s exactly what I’m saying. I said on a different thread, “I am an Atheist and I live more of a Christian life then most of you Christians.”

If you look at it in a certain light, Gandhi lived a more Christlike life than most of us, including many of us Christians. Would he go to heaven, by Christian standards? Will he be sent to Hell simply for not believing in Jesus?

You could take multiple views on could say Jesus/God is/was as rigid with the application of the meaning of their teachings as science books state formulas, or you could say the intent of the teachings of Jesus was a figurative or interpretive example.

Let's say your name is Im'Buuat and you live in the Congo. You never hear of Jesus, but you love those around you, give to those in need, and put others before yourself. Do you go to heaven? You could live a life closer to Christianity than any Christian and never claim to know or know of Jesus...
I understand what your saying but I think you’re missing my point. My point isn’t to debate whether or not Gandhi or ‘Im’Buuat’ would make it to heaven; my point is to show that the half-assed Christian lives a foolish life. In my opinion it is foolish and illogical to believe in Christianity and turn around and support a war or cheat on your wife or whatever it may be.
Dec 25, 2003
Of course it is foolish to go against your own religion's ideals...that is pretty basic. True christians do _not_ get politically involved. Look at the example of Jesus. He didn't say shit about the Romans, or any other kind of injustice. Christians blocking the doors in front of abortion clinics are not following a Christlike example. And "Christian Capitalism" is a joke as well. The early Christians were communists, as was Jesus.
May 16, 2002
I prefer liberal christians over conservative atheists but I prefer conservative atheists over conservative christians.
I also respect christians that don't believe christianity is all about judging other people and telling them they are going to hell.

If you are a true christian you should let God judge.

I'm an agnostic that's leaning strongly towards atheism and I feel religion is bureaucracy between man and god (if you want to call it that).
Jul 24, 2002
Droopy Eye said:

If you are a true christian you should let God judge.

That is so on point.
Jesus actually said that specifically.
I don't know what it is man, America is just stupid in general.
These so-called Christians read these passages and yet this shit won't sink in. 2-0's right, they can't be that stupid, they are just selective with what they absorb.
Look at how many so-called Christians support the death penalty?

God's mercy will be less for them, he said it himself....