"Chiligrrl's 10 steps to rape a rap artist"

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Sergeant Hustle said:
Men who hate women they don't even know and sling insults at them for no apparent reason (fat bitch, dyke bitch, hoe, etc.) are usually angry with females because they are unsure about their sexuality and are upset that they lack power over women. They are likely to be rapists, women beaters and/or homosexual.

sorry u dumb bitch what r u tha dr. phil of tha siccness i have never beat a women or never will & i love females. There is a difference between ho's & women so shut tha fuck up b4 u type bullshit


Sergeant Hustle said:
I'm sorry you took offense. But I see how much you love females by your signature. That's really beautiful. "Kill a hoe Fuck that bitch". You're right. You don't have any issues with women.

u dumb crack head bitch like i said b4 there is a difference between ho's & women
Apr 25, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:
They don't like me because I am smarter than them...fine as hell...and they will never get this pussy. Period point blank. It sho' is hard bein' me.

You are little too stuck on yourself for someone who looks like Jim Carrey in "The Mask"


Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:
He's posting things about her with malicious intent to embarrass her and attempt to make himself look "savage" and "pimp" and all those other played-out cliches that men try to potray in order to get impress their peers.
Hmmm. Here she comes to save the day! Kaptain Karlie to the rescue! The protector and defender of sluts worldwide. We're cool n all......but you need to stay out of this one. OK? OK.

(I like your hair BTW....longer is better)

Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
And as promised.......they're not all THAT funny.....but I thought they were.

CHILI - Raw and Uncut!

Anywayz.....in reference to the messages. BITCH.....you don't even know any REAL muthafuckaz and you really don't know what the fuck goes on around this city while you're over there in Shithole, WA. And your life DOES exist on the internet because you ain't got no friends over there in Shithole, WA......all you do is talk on the net all day. You may not be on here.....but you're online.....and that's the truth. And all these people who supposedly don't respect me must be a bunch of fuckin' hoecakes anywayz if they won't say it to my face. That's why people don't like me......because I speak my mind.....don't bite my tongue and give it to people raw and uncut. I don't candy coat shit.

And lastly.......3 things you ARE:

WHORE: You're right.....you're not a whore - whores get PAID. You fuck for free!!!! So that makes you a slut!

SNITCH: You ran to Siccness administrators and mods complaining about me in an attempt to get me banned or whatever you were tryin' to do.

GROUPIE: Most of the people you try to holla at and converse with are artists....why is that? Oh that's right.......(as you just put it in the e-mail you sent me at 2am today while on another one of your drunken stupers) you're one of the NW's BIGGEST SUPPORTERS! Support my dick in your mouth bitch.

It's a WRAP!

D-Sane AKA "King of the Siccness" AKA "The Bully"
Feb 9, 2003
Actually "whore" is equivalent with the word hooker. The word hooker is fabled to have originated in the United States around the time of the civil war. The word was given to whores (prostitutes) that would frequent Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker's encampment, although there are arguments against this case, some of which actually seem to disprove the word Hooker coming from the Generals name it is still true that the word originated in the United States as the earliest use of the word, were in the meaning is prostitute, are found in the North Eastern States. Therefore Whore is infact a prostitute or a hooker. A slut is the word you are looking for, not a whore. A slut is a promiscuous woman, a female dog (a synonym of the word bitch), a chiligrrrl, a bitch who sleeps around, eats more cum in a day than both my balls can produce in a year, makes phone calls to D-sane and gets shit posted about them online.
Edit: That guy erased his post! So this will make no sense now.