lol this sum retarded ass shit.. y'all so stupid to believe everything u see on the internet... that bitch aint fuckin scared away shit..i'm kickin back laughin at how gullible y'all are... eh d-sane u still a bitch.. and what u gonna do.. dis me on the internet some more??? wooooooooooooHHH ....ain't u got some projects to finish???? why the fuck u worried 'bout me??? all these dudesd swingin from ur nuts must make u feel like the man yo??? U're right, i'll never be as "cool" as you, but yo, that ain't my goal in life, so who really wins????? EH GET MORE PISSED AND PUT MORE ENERGY INTO THIS SHIT.. I';M LAUGHIN MY BIG FAT ASS OFFF BEEEEEOOOOOTTTTCCCHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!