Re: Re: ........................
do you know wut a team leader is? it doesnt matter wut Priest Holmes does, tha fact that he'z there makez defense's worry. he can have 1 carry for -5 yardz and he'z still gonna have a major impact on the game. you probably dont understand that cuz i sense an arguement brewing between us.... but that'z how it is. with Holmes on tha field they have to worry about him, which leavez tha passing game open. if he werent in there, you would have no run game to worry about so tha passing game would be shut down. then wut would you do? hope Dante Hall returnz every punt for a TD? a player has a bigger impact on a game than you think, but since you judge everything by statistics you wouldnt know.
and where were theze Chief fanz last season? i saw a couple pop their headz in when they barely beat Oakland but then never saw them again. now that they're 8-0 they're in here talkin shit and being sarcastic about getting lucky? please. and next season if they start to suck again we wont see them again.... show me how smart you really are....thanks for teaching me how a "good" running back has an impact on the game...
about me (or we) not being here last season...i cant speak for everyone else...but i never came to the siccness to discuss sports...i mainly "stuck" to the Strange Board...but since that shit has gone down hill i exspanded my search and peeped out the sports...detox...i-candy...about ever board on here now...
so thats that..
now back to the subject..
im tired of seeing no credit where its due...its clear you are not a chiefs fan...but i dont think you have to be to give them credut for what they have accomplished "AS A TEAM" this season..
in the beginging of the season you and EDJ...and everyother "non-chiefs" fan kept sayin the only reason the chiefs won was because of Holmes....i can accept that..
but then it was...
"you guys got lucky".
"you are lulcky dante hall did that"...
"you are lucky he fumbled"..
now then...are not fumbles, interceptions, run backs (for tds) part of the game?
i thougth they were....alls im sayin is give em credit..
i dont think we are the best in the NFL...i dont think we will go undefeated....matter of fact we will go 13-3....loose to cinci...denver...minnesota...but we are a good team...its coo if you NEVER admit it..
shit i thought we were gonna loose to GB...
hope im not speaking so you dont understand me..