Try this chest routine, in this order:
Incline DB Bench (go heavy) 4 (sets) x 6 (reps)
Pec Fly Deck (Butterfly machine) 3x10
Decline Close Grip Barbell Press 4x8
Flat DB Bench (go heavy) 4x8
Make sure you go as heavy as you can on those DB movements, but not too heavy to prevent you from full range of motion or to cause injury.
For the Decline Close Grip Bench Press, put the bench at about a 30 degree angle. Place your hands about 1 foot apart from one another so that your hands are about shoulder width. Get a SPOTTER and make sure you use a load of weight that you can complete 8 reps. This exercise will work your chest, but mainly hit your triceps HARD, which will allow you to progress further in your other chest exercises.
Give your self about a 1-1.5 minutes between each set, and about 3 mins between each exercise. The Decline CG Press may seem complicated, but your tris will blow up as long as you are eating correctly.
PM me if you require any further assistence.