Sheen demands 50 percent raise for ‘Two and a Half Men’
Star says he should get $3M per episode: ‘Look what they put me through’
n an interview with NBC’s Jeff Rossen that aired on TODAY Monday morning, Charlie Sheen, the combative star of long-running hit “Two and a Half Men,” demanded a raise from approximately $2 million to $3 million per episode to come back to the set of the show. CBS and Warner Bros. Television have currently halted production for the show’s ninth season in the wake of Sheen’s very public rants against “Men” creator Chuck Lorre and Alcoholics Anonymous.
“I’m not angry, I’m passionate,” Sheen told Rossen. “It’s everybody thinks I should be begging for my job back, and I’m just going to forewarn them that it’s everybody else that’s going to be begging me for their job back.”
Though he claimed he has been swamped with offers for movies, Sheen said: “I am a man of my word, so I will finish the TV show. I’ll even do season 10, but at this point, [because of] psychological distress, oh, my God, it’s 3 mil an episode.”
Reportedly the highest-paid actor on television, Sheen has been hospitalized three times in three months. Production of “Two and a Half Men” was put on hold last month after Sheen’s most recent hospital stay. Taping was to resume Tuesday, but that plan was put on hold last Thursday after Sheen inveighed against Lorre, CBS and A.A. on a call-in radio program.
“I’m tired of pretending like I’m not special,” Sheen continued. “I’m tired of pretending like I’m not bitching, a total fricking rock star from Mars, and people can’t figure me out; they can’t process me. I don’t expect them to. You can’t process me with a normal brain.”
** The article is way longer in the link above, some video too.