lmao at niggaz REALLY HATIN a fuccin sportz team....really? muzt be nice where u live. I got real shit to worry about b4 I HATE a sportz team. DO I like the Raiderz? NO, Do I like the donkeyz? NO. but I aint gon HATE them and devote all my siccnezz typin 2 say FUCC THEM. AFC wezt iz wide open and itz gon be a good race 2 the finish.
Do I think Chargerz are goin 2 the big game this year? NOPE. We cant cloze out seazonz. I'm a diehard CHARGERZ fan, alwayz have been alwayz will be. I dont fall off when we start slow and then pull the jerseyz out in November when we start surgin. That aint a diehard fan and I'll be the 1zt to say fucc them fake fanz. But thatz all u can say negative bout the Chargerz.(cant get a ring, bandwagon fanz) Other than that we 4 the mozt part have a solid team. Ask the Coltz.
2 yall bitchez that got time and energy 2 say FUCC the _ _ _ _ (whoevaz), go take yo medz, hit the starbuccz down yo blocc and sip u a nice latte