Center for disease control on being prepatred for Zombies?

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Rest In Free SoCo
Sep 27, 2004
pretty much RIP all of us due to we will be trying to log on to the siccness the whol....waitaminute..maybe the siccness is a haven?
May 15, 2002
That article was meant as a spoof.
This whole zombie apocalypse thing is another way for people to make money. Just like all this "end of the world" crap is nothing but a way for people to make money. They sell the fear, people go out and stock up on weapons, ammo, food, bunkers, etc. It's an industry...nothing more. Just like the world-ending topic, zombie apocalypse is also a hot topic which has been going on for a while and people are capitalizing off of it.


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
I think your most safe on open water on a well stocked ocean ready vessel as long as there are no zombies on the ship, my only concern would be restocking the ship when necessary and the debatable topic of zombies possibly attempting to walk the ocean floor for brains, fish eating them causing zombie sea life.

If I had no access to a ship I would head to higher and colder ground. My guess is zombies wouldn't operate well in cold weather probably freezing solid walking the tundra in search for tasty tasty brains.

Putting these two theories together, I think one would be safest in the event of zombie outbreak if one had a well stocked ocean worthy ship and head towards alaska or the coldest place possible.