Center for disease control on being prepatred for Zombies?

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Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
When it comes down to zombies you need to know 2 things, youll be aiming for the head, and youll probably have to be on the move. Shotgun would be the best main weapon, point and shoot, dont need to be super accurate or standing still. I disagree about the rifle, you dont want to be stopping to line up shots, plus carrying 2 long rifles would get heavy. Id go with a handgun instead, something reliable a resiliant, a beretta, a glock, a sig, something like that. Id go with an aluminum bat, light, can carry in a backpack, crash some skulls in. A hatchet wouldnt be a bad idea, things get close quarters you can split their skull with that. You have to leave room for lots of ammo though, anything that isnt food or carried in your hands should be ammo, its pointless to bring the guns if you only have 10 shells and 1 magazine of bullets...
Apr 2, 2010
lol, if Zombies ever exist it will be biologically altered humans or even manufactured by the government.

I'd recommend a shotgun, reliable handgun, small magnum, and a few handheld weapons. A good location would be a bunker or wide open field with a house that has many exits. If your broke as fuck don't rely on the hooptie, get a large truck that sits high or a van with sliding doors to come up with some innovative ideas. Include a dirtbike and learn how to ride it just in case, having your primary transportation fuck up will leave you as food platter.

Don't even think about living on a boat fishing your food to survive, the government will already be one step ahead of you by poisining that food source. Plus if you get to close to their underwater navy base a beam will disintegrate everything onboard your boat, including you.
Dec 3, 2009
when is this shit going down??
sounds fun! I got swords.. and spears.. and bow and arrows..
i've been DYING so use!!

let;'s fucking rock!!!
this is like that House of the Dead video game....

so they are serious? this is spooky yet
kind of exciting... in the words of Al Bundy...
Let's rock!! lol