HAHAHAHAHA u a fool. No it actually happend in Australia, we was chilling the last night and my homie was like: "Yo we gotta take something home." and we was sitting right under a streetsign saying Koala Road. He jumped on it and hang on it and I grapped his legs and bend the sign until it broke and feel down. Lucky it feel right on my head, 7 stiches, actually the JT part comes now ... next day i flew to SF and after a week, JT took the stiches out, but forgot 1 in it, and I had hella pain after another week and I was feeling with my own hands and just ripped it out my head lol
a couple months ago i flipped me a olskool wagooner cuz i used to hella like them when i was a youngsta and that bitch go thru hella fuckin gas
seem like im pumpin 20 every fuckin day
man, those are the shiiiit though...i use to have a jeep and man are those easy as fuck to do u-turns in lol mine was a 6 though, not too bad on gas...
7 knuckleheads in a jeep with hella beat smashing down the block sounding like they going 100mph when they only going bout 5 smoking and drinking...yeap, gotta love oakland lol
fuck you you stayin in the house scared to go outside ass 9800 bitch.jus cus u live there dont mean u can claim that shit.your house dont count as bein on the block you pro wrestling microwave burrito mom makin you pb and j ass mother fucker.go watch my little pony and play with your polly pockets and leave the internet to real ass e-thugs bitch...hahahha im so drunk at 415am.fbgm!!!(fuck bitches get medicare)yee
was rollin a bleezy..i turnd around i see this niggas posted like waa,i was like wtf (gone of a blunt earlier startd tripin out haha) but yea. . .
da old guy was actually talkin to da dog next to him.
^ man that remind me of one time me and my boy was high as fuck and we got to a red light and there was a car next to us and in the back seat was a dog just staring at us and we was hella laughing like tears comin out my eyes n shit lol